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"Mayella love, you have to wake up"
We landed
It's about 6 in the morning here
And it's absolutely beautiful

"I'm tired but it's pretty here"

I wish I could live in England for the rest of my life but I'm to much of a la girl

I'd miss it to much

"Carolina hurry up I want to get to the house so you can change and I can give you a tour"

"Alright,alright calm your nalgas
I'm only two feet behind you"

We get into the taxi
And I decide to text pedge

Private message
mayella and Pedro

We made it

Coffin dodger
Aww man
so close to
collecting life insurance

You're rich !!

Coffin dodger
Yeah but with you
as a daughter
I'm basically going bankrupt

Hey you choose to adopt me

Coffin dodger
Yeah yeah ok 500 every two

Fine 😞
I'll text you later pa
We just got to Bellas

We walk into Bella's house
"Mom I'm baaaaack with a guest"

(The urge I had to spell mum )

His mom is beautiful
This is why I love women

"Mom this is mayella my girlfriend"

I stick out my hand

"Hi I'm mayella, nice to meet you "

"Hello I'm Bella's mom it's nice to meet you as well I've heard a lot about you"

"We'll be in my room if you need anything"

Bella drags me to his room

I snoop around until I see two familiar things

"You have my first album and my scream poster?"

"I got the album the day it came out and the poster was a gift from pedge you were kinda like my celebrity crush before I met you "h

"17 year old mayella would be screaming if she knew that
She's probably go into cardiac arrest "

He laughs while hugging me putting a kiss on my head

"Do you want to to the tour right now or later maybe tomorrow"

I'm tired but I really do want to see where he's gonna take me

"We could do it right now"

"Yeah but we're not, go get your pjs so we change and sleep a little"

Bummer ..... sike I love cuddles


Felt like I should feed you

Good night my fine furry friends

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