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Private message
Bella and mayella

Mi vida
My Ella
Mayella carolina Moreno-pascal
I know your up you don't sleep

MY love 
Hi mi vida 🫣
Don't be mad  
I ran out of
To be  fair
they didn't work
And they taste good

Mi vida
Mayella its 4 in the Morning

My love
I know I was just
watching Star Wars

Mi vida
But you don't like
Star Wars
You said it was to boring

My love
I know
Circle ⭕️line __
Circle ⭕️

Mi vida
Oh no pls

My love
Read with a
little more feeling

Mi vida
Pls stop
I was like 10

My love
You look adorable

Mi vida
Go to sleep love you have press in 4 hours and you have to be up in 2
Please get sleep

My love
Yes sir 🫡

Mi vida
You're not going
to sleep are you

My love
I can't


A few seconds go by and Bella FaceTimes me I set the phone on a pile of books that I have yet to read seriously they've been on my nightstand for months
" Hola mi vida"
"Hi my love"
"What have you been up to"
"Nothing just playing my guitar"
" play me something,anything I'm bored"

Bella's a sneaky liar he didn't call me to talk to me they called me to put me to sleep
I wake to Bella cooking well I hope
it's Bella because last time anyone but me cooked in this house  they almost burn our house down
I think it's Bella
sounds to Far to be in the house
"Fuck you"
Bella just giggles
"Well look who's up early"
"You did that on purpose"
"I have no recollection of doing anything on purpose"
"I hate you"
"Mm no you don't"
I grab my phone and stretch
"I hate press week"
"No you just hate getting up
Early,well when you can sleep"

Had to feed you guys something

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