IXX. Runaway Arters

Start from the beginning

"Catch Penelope in the act? I have no clue sister, you must figure it out, after all you are the evil genius one out of us." Arthur tells her.

Making her furrow her eyebrows. Thinking about it.

"Are you going to be attending the Bridgeton ball?" Arthur asks his sister.

"Of course. My wife will be there, so shall I." Charlotte smiles giddy at calling Eloise her wife.

"Smiling because you are calling Eloise your wife, no?" Arthur teases her, making Charlotte blush. "You are cruel." She tells him, shooting her arrow into another apple.


"Eloise dear, are you feeling unwell?" Lady Violet asks her daughter as Charlotte Emeterio sure room with the covered dress and boxes, in her own light purple gown.

"I never heard of a runway bride after the wedding." Charlotte comments, tilting her head at her wife was perched at the open window. The family giggling at her comment.

At Charlottes voice, Eloise perks up, sighing in relief. "Finally someone bare able." She rushes to hug her.

"Eloise, are you sick?" Charlotte jokes, making Elodia playfully slap her arm.

"Careful, that divorce is looking pretty nice right about now." Eloise Joel's back before taking on of the dresses and boxes off Charlottes hands.

"Here, we shall put this in my old room." Eloise tells her, ushering her up stairs.

"My aunt no longer thinks you are Whistledown, I got her off of you." Charlotte tells her as she hangs up the dress.

"Really?" Eloise asks, relief settling through her body.

"Yeah I listed the pretty obvious reasons which seemed to work." Charlotte looks at her, raising an eyebrow as Eloise fans herself.

"I could kiss you right now." Elosie exclaims making Charlotte smirk. "Well I do deserve an award for saving your ass, again."

Eloise grabs her by her gown, pulling her in for a much needed kiss, releasing her stress into it.

A knock on the door interrupts them making Charlotte groan, she begrudgingly breaks away, going to open the door.

Surprise surprise, Penelope was at the other end. "Have her." Charlotte walks past her, down the stairs to her family in law.


Charlotte walks down the stairs with her in laws, Eloise and her holding arms. The viólenos playing.

No one had arrived making Violet him in disappointment. Lady Danbury and the Sharma sisters and their mother walk out behind one of the curtains.

"Arlo!" Kate says excitedly, hugging the young Princess.

"Didn't think I would see you for a few days." Kate admits, jokingly. "That was the plan." Charlotte playfully roses a flare over her shoulder at Eloise who rolls her eyes at their dramatics.

Both girls interrupted by Anthony. "There shall be dancing." He announces, making everyone turn to him.

"A new perspective, yes?" He turns to Benedict who looks at Arthur.

Anthony calls for his younger siblings to come dance, making Charlotte grab Eloise's hand. Bowing respectfully even though they toss each other a teasing look.

They all hold hands in a giant circle as they begin to dance. Laughing and smiling one another. Especially Hyacinth.

Eloise ends up in Charlottes arm, the girl giving her a cocky smirk, both utterly enjoying the moment. "By the way. I won the bet." Charlotte whispered to her.

Charlotte laughs at her and Eloise spins herself out of Charlotte's arms and into her brothers.


When I am finished with this book would you guys like to see a social media book with Claudia Jessie and Charlottes actor, obviously I'm suing a different name for her but would you???

I am so very tired so excuse the spelling errors, I'll try and finish the rest of the chapters tomorrow.

Hope you guys enjoy as we only have one episode left.

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