XIII. Hearts and Flowers

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"Not even married and yet I feel the divorce coming."


Dear readers,
It seems Princess Charlotte has more
Secrets than we know.
As she is engaged to Miss Eloise. Just like her uncle it seems she is to change tradition.

How will Viscountess Violets annual heart and flowers ball go now that not only her son but daughter engage in the royal family. The queen seems to have given her blessing and full support, but will we?


Charlotte tosses the paper on Eloise's bed the girl reading it over. "You know the world was gonna find out anyway." Charlotte tells her, sitting behind her fiancé.

"Yeah I know." Eloise sighs, putting down the paper. Charlotte hugs her from behind, resting her head on her neck.

"You know, we have some time before everyone gets here." Charlotte suggests. Making Eloise chuckle. "My mother would kill us if we were to engage in such activities here." Eloise turns around to her, kissing her.

Charlotte sits back against her head board, pulling Elodia into her lap. "We don't have to do that . Just this." Charlotte tells her as she pulls her back for another kiss.

Eloise buns into it, sinking into her lap as she lets her fingers tangle themselves in her hair. Charlotte let's put a moan as Eloise tugs on it.

"You seem to like that a lot." Eloise smirks as she does it again, receiving the same reaction. Charlotte groans, her eyes rolling. "You don't play fair."

"I thought you wanted to me to play dirty?" Eloise asks as she kisses down her neck, she pulls down the princess blue dress a bit as she leaves marks underneath. Charlotte at her mercy.


Charlotte stood behind Eloise as everyone arrived for the annual ball. Thankful that Eloise decided to be merciful and leave her marks in hide-able places.

Wow elope rushes down the small slope to Eloise who is standing next to her fiancé and Colin.

"Oh, Pen! Oh, you are finally here!" Eloise says excitedly, making Charlotte refrain from rolling her eyes at the sight of the women.

"With only my own family and Arlo to speak to, I've begun talking to the trees." Eloise exaggerates making Charlotte and Colin give her offended looks.

"Is she calling us wooden?" Colin asks making Charlotte chuckle. "I do not think so..." She trails, squinting at Eloise.

"I could call them much worse." Eloise tells them making them both pout at her. "Not even married and yet I feel the divorce coming." Charlotte sighs exaggeration clear as day.

"Don't be a drama queen." Eloise playfully slaps her arm, only receiving laugh back.

Penelope stops chuckling but puts on a fake smile, sending them a side a small glare at their affection.

"Is there no another pamphlet on women's rights to read somewhere?" Colin asks, laughing along with Charlotte. They seemed to get along well, with the same humor and attitude.

"El is quite done with that." Penelope replies fast, Charlotte could tell the love eyes she was sending the Bridgerton boy.

"She has brought one with her here." Charlotte says, making Eloise look anywhere but Penelope.

"Prepare yourself for many a quotation, Pen." Colin warns her jokingly as Penelope's smile drops, looking at Eloise.

"The printers pamphlet? I thought you'd realized he was not connected to Lady Whistledown." Penelope tells Eloise, quite vexed at her. Charlotte refrains herself from glaring at her, some part of her wanting to punch the girl for deceiving and lying to her best friend and then exposing and commenting on their relationship and Charlotte and her Brother.

"I'm an to leave." Charlotte sends them a smile, doing her best to control herself. "Where are you going?" Eloise asks, making Charlotte smile at her. "Fear not, just gonna go search for my brother as it seems I am too wooden here." She jokes before leaving.

Just as she walks through the crowd, people bowing to her as she passes. Then suddenly someone grabs her arm, pulling her with them.

"Kate?" Charlotte says in surprise. "If I must endure them then you are too." Katie whispers to her before they walk to Anthony and Edwina.

"Miss Sharma." Anthony stands, his hands behind his back as Kate stands on the opposite side of the table to him. Edwina to her left and Charlotte to her right. It was a small table, only fitting four people.

"Lord Bridgerton." Kate replies, her posture tense. "Princess Charlotte." Charlotte breaks the tension, joking as Edwina laughs a little at her jester.

After a bit of tense staring, Kate and Anthony sit down, as Charlotte and Edwina stares at them.

Anthony clears his throat as things become awkward. "Did you tell the viscount about your bee sting?" Edwina asks Kate.

Late chuckles softly as her and Anthony share a look. Charlotte wanted to scream at them to get together already but out of respect for Edwina she would not.

"I got stung." Kate tells him, less than stoick look on her face then before.

"Ah." Anthony hums. "I am well." Kate tells him, as Charlotte watches them like a soap opera. "Ah." Anthony replies again, but faint this time. Him and Kate looking everywhere then each other everywhere else again.

It falls into an awkward silence again. "Kate was telling me how she is eager to see more of the grounds of this magnificent estate." Edwina breaks the silence again.

Charlotte could not stay there any longer without cringing at the awkwardness. She gets up from the chair, scooting it back in. "Excuse me, I am parched, I must get some refreshments." Charlotte excused herself before leaving. A heavy sigh escaping her as she hated crowded areas.

Living in the castle for all her life and not leaving surely has given her anxiety. But usually she calmed when she was near Eloise, but since Eloise was gone with Penelope, she didn't have anybody.

Arthur was off some where with Benedict, surely playing hide the cucumber. Scoffing Charlotte walks into the he house, ignoring everyone around her has she felt all the air leave her throat.

Entering the viscounts office, she shuts the door, locking it before she falls against it. Grabbing her knees and bringing them to her chest, she squeezes her eyes shut.

Feeling the pressure of everything hit her all at once. She is to be married, she is marrying Eloise. She is changing society, she is doing the impossible.

She feels tears stream against her face. "Queen" she breathed in sharply and then takes deep breath out. "King." She breathe sun and out. "Princess." She repeats her breathing pattern. "Prince." She breathed out.

Noticing her breathing evening out, she sighs, deciding to rest there for a few to make sure her anxiety is gone.


Poor baby having social anxiety. 🥹

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