IV. Emerald Women

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Arthur watches as his sister fixes her crown on her head. It was their aunts idea for the crowns as it matched their black lace and champagne look.

Charlotte sighs, finally getting the crown to settle on her head without messing with her hair.

"You look lovely, sister. Now we must make haste before Auntie scolds us." Arthur rushes his sister only receiving her looking at him weirdly.

"Are you sick or something?" She teases him, reaching up to check his forehead but he playfully slaps her hand away.

"You wish, now come on." He holds his arm out for her, leading them towards their carriage. Having their personal black stallions lead it while the carriage was champagne with gold laced on it.

They were gifted their horses on their 10 and 3rd named day, the horses were just colts, twins also. Arthur had named his, the female, Velvet. As she was slick and had a nice coating.

Charlotte had named hers, the male, Black Beauty. He was a bit bigger than his sister but he had Charlottes stubborn nature while Velvet took after Arthur's calm nature.

They arrived in front of the palace. As they entered the room, they once again gained everyone's undecided attention but the twins kept their head high and didn't look at them, just as they were taught by their governess.

Walking to their aunt, they boy slightly, in more of a joking manner before she kissed them both on the cheeks.

"You both look heavenly. I knew I made the right choice with the crowns, have I not?" Their Queen aunt asks the ladies behind her, who copied the queens look down ti the very wig and held all her dogs.

The ladies began spewing compliments at the twins making them blush at the attention.

"You look rather lovely, Auntie." Arthur smiles fondly at his aunt. "You look beautiful, Aunt. Like an angel." Charlotte compliments her name sake, giving her a cheeky smile as her aunt smiled fondly at their competiciones.

The Queen is was one who got annoyed at child like behaviors but when it came to her niece and nephew, they reminded her too much of her dear George. She rather enjoyed it, thinking her kids, if they were alive, would they be just like them, taking after George all the way.

The twins stood to the Queens left and Brimsly stood to the right. He was like their other uncle, he often played with them as children, taught them to bake and dance.

"You look beautiful, Brimsly." Charlotte compliments him, making him smile at them fondly. He loved them as if they were his own.

"Nothing compared to you, little lady." He winks at her making her smirk cheekily, find of the nickname he gave her when she was just a mere babe.

They turned their attention back to the ladies who all wore plain champion with barely any design, hoping to impress the queen.

Charlotte and Arthur watches as their aunt looks bored at the ladies, simply not finding her diamond.

"You would think they would get the memo, that copying her won't impress her." Arthur whispers to his twin, bending down slightly.

"In my dear ghosts word. They tend to be 'brainless brooding mares' with no thoughts for themselves." She snickers back, making her twin laugh slightly but cover it with a cough as he gains his aunts attention.

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