X. Bridgerton Challenges

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"Eloise, did you kidnap a baby?"

Charlotte walks into the Bridgerton home, her brother arriving later than her but she wanted to make sure her uncle got some proper breakfast with someone.

It made her feel like a child again as her uncle rants about the stars, telling her facts about them as he did when she was a child.

"Arlo!" Eloise voices the it most separate as she is holding a baby like it at the plague.

"Eloise, did you kidnap a baby?" Charlotte asks, not noticing the eldest Bridgerton daughter in the room.

Charlotte quickly grabs the babe from Eloise a sit copes at her, tugging her curly hair.

"Ha! Funny. You know if you weren't the crowned princess, you could be a jester!" Eloise fakes laughs causing Charlotte to pout, holding the babe closer as she plays with his hair.

"Aren't jesters ugly?" Francisa speaks up making Charlotte furrow her eyebrows. "I'm not ugly. I'm the prettiest princess in the world." Charlotte baby talks to the baby's he is holding. Giggling along with him as he grabs her face with his small hands.

"No but seriously. Who's baby is this? Because if I have to pay someone to get you out of trouble I need to know ahead of time." Charlotte asks her dead serious.

The Bridgeton start laughing as Eloise gives her an offended look. "He's mine, don't worry. Eloise didn't kidnap him." The red head Bridgerton speaks up making Charlotte sigh.

"You think I would kidnap a baby?" Eloise asks making Charlotte look away from her and walk towards Daphne.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte." Charlotte introduces herself as she hands over the babe. "I'm up Daphne." The mother smiles at her.

"You have a cute baby." Charlotte compliments, feeling a bit awkward. Charlotte then removers why she is here.

"Brother, Eli, care to explain why Henry came barging into my room. Telling me that if I do not get here by a certain time then not only I'm a whore." She glares at her brother who chuckles and then glares at Eloise "and that you will burn my book collection." Charlotte glares at the two, hands on her hips.

"Well maybe you should have woken up earlier." Arthur chuckles, moving next to Elodia as they high five. "I hope you choke on a cucumber." Charlotte glares at Arthur, her words having double meaning.

"And if you touch my books I'm burning all of your Whistledown issues." Charlotte threatens Eloise making her flare back at her.

"Now, what is so important that you both must threaten me." Charlotte asks them, pushing her brother off the couch to take her spot next to Eloise.

"We are having a family game day. Kate and Edwina are to join us." Her brother tells her, making Charlotte raise an eyebrow as the family ventured off to their own conversation.

"That shall be interesting." Charlotte voices, furrowing her eyebrows before turning to her lover. "Wanna make a bet?"

Charlotte knew Elodia was just as competitive as her, so she couldn't deny the offer. "I will bet Anthony with Kate at the end." Charlotte says making Eloise raise her eyebrows.

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