XVII. Heavens falling

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"We have hidden from the heavens and Venus. We take care of the fairies."


The wedding starts as Anthony takes his place under the arch. Kate walks down the is in a purple dress with a bouquet of white roses, a stern expression on her face.

Charlotte watches as Anthony looks at Kate as if she is his bride. Kate turns towards the Queen, bowing her respects before taking her place as bridesmaid.

Her and Anthony locking eyes before they turn towards the entrance. Edwina entering with her mama on her arm. An excited smile on her face, while Anthony and Kate give a brief smile.

Edwina and Lady Sharma walk to the end of the aisle, bowing to the Queen before Lady Sharma let's go of Edwina's hand, taking her seat next to Lady Danbury.

"Miss Edwina, you look lovely." Anthony compliments her. "Thank you, my lord. I am happy you are pleased."

"Please be seated" The archbishop asks, the people following.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join this man and this women in holy matrimony." The archbishops voice echos, Charlotte couldn't help but stare at Eloise, excited for their day to come.

"And therefore, it is not by any to be enterprised, nor taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly, and wantonly." The archbishop goes on as Edwina looks at him, Anthony looks over her at Kate, who was staring right back.

"To satisfy men's carnal lists and appetites, like brute hearts that have no understanding... but reverently, discreetly, advisedly..." Charlotte ends up blocking the archbishops voice out as her and Eloise lock eyes, both staring into one another's eyes.

It seemed as though they are the only ones in the room, green clashing with blue. They couldn't help the smiles that over took their faces, or they way they didn't care for anyone else in the room.

"My lord." The archbishop tries to get Anthony's attention but he was gazing at Kate. "My lord." Anthony snaps out of it, making Edwina look behind her, to see it was Kate, Anthony was staring at.

"The archbishop would like you to repeat, my lord, after him." Edwina tells him, hurt in her voice.

"Yes, of course." Anthony replies, looking over Edwina, at Kate again.

As the archbishop goes to recite to words, Kate drops her bracelet, both her and Anthony bend down to get it immediately.

"Allow me." Anthony says, he hands her the bracelet. Both staring into one another's eyes. Charlotte turns to Eloise, to see she is also looking back at her. The princess sends her a wink, proving she was right as Eloise rolls her eyes.

Everyone watches them, knowing the two were obviously in love with one another and it seems Edwina realizes it too.

They stand up, going back to their designated places. While Edwina stares at the ground where they were for a moment then looks at Anthony.

Edwina starts breathing heavily, clearly in distress. As Anthony goes to ask her if she was okay, she shouts. "I need a moment!"

She looks up at him in shock before running away, Lady Danbury and her mother behind her. Katie stares at Anthony with wide eyes before following after her sister.

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