XVII. Heavens falling

Start from the beginning

The Queen stands up furiously, staring at Anthony. "What had happened to my wedding?"

"The bride seems to have run away, ma'am" Brimsley tells her, stating the obvious. Suddenly the fireworks go off, scaring everyone.

Charlotte locks eyes with Eloise. Raising an eyebrow at her, while they both look at each other in shock.


Charlotte watches form her balcony as people gawk at the many entertainments the Queen had in display in the gardens.

She sighs as the door opens, she knew who it was as not many knew where her bedroom was.

"This was an exciting event." Eloise comments sarcastically, walking towards her lover.

"I hope our wedding is not as chaotic as this one." Charlotte speaks up, looking at Eloise next to her.

"After our wedding. Do you think that's it?" Eloise asks, looking at her betrothed.

"No. We will explore, travel, do whatever you want. I did not propose because I want you to be my wife and stay by me. I proposed because I want you, I want to be able to give you whatever your heart distes, if it means traveling to Greece than we shall." Charlotte tells her, making Eloise smile, thankful she would not lose her freedom.

"I would never dream to take away your freedom like a man would. I am not a man nor will I never act as one. I love your spirit for your freedom." Charlotte promises kissing Eloise. "Good because I would have divorced you and taken half your assets." Eloise playfully jokes.

"Oh really, than I shall let myself fall victim. How could I not as your beauty had me trapped." Charlotte jokes before she grabs Eloise's hands. "Now come, we should go and try to cheer up my auntie, tell her about some arrangements before she kills your mama and lady Danbury." Charlotte chuckles as they walk towards one of the many lounges.

They enter just in time too as Charlotte freezes at the sight of her uncle. "Charlie!" He shouts in excitement, making her walk towards him, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Oh my daughter, how are you?!" He kisses her cheeks. He hugs her affectionately as tears began falling from her eyes.

"Since when did you get so big? And who is that fine young lady?" Her uncle questions her, in his own world again.

Charlotte turns to look at Eloise, tears streaking down her face. "That's my wife, Eloise." She turns to her uncle.

"Ahh my daughter-in-law! Did you show her the cabin?" Her uncle questions as Eloise walks towards them, from the kings motioning.

"We have hidden from the heavens and Venus. We take care of the fairies." Charlotte refers to the plants, when she was little her uncle had a delusion that the roses were fairies who hid them from the planets and heavens.

"See Lottie! I told you our little Charlie was special. Did I not? I knew our daughter would be brilliant." He tells his wife excitedly, only drawing more tears from Charlotte.

"My little Charlie." Her uncle cups her face, wiping her tears. "We must not cry, we have work to do, those fairies won't survive on their own, and we need crops. Your new bride can help heal the wounded too!" He tries to cheer her up, not sure as to why she was crying.

"Okay, papa, we could do that, but first let's go rest, yeah?" Charlotte agrees, her heart shattering at how ill he has become.

"Eloise, love, please stay and prepare the medicine." She plays along with his delusion, Eloise got the memo. "Of course, I rather do nothing else."

Charlotte nods to her aunt, who had tears brimming in her eyes.

"Come Charlie, we must hurry." King George rushes her, happy to have his 'daughter' back.

"Coming papa." She leaves the room with him, walking him to his room as he rants about the crops he wants to grow.

"Come papa, we must rest if we are to work hard." She convinced him, the King laying down in his bed as Charlie sits by his side. Watching him doze off.

Tears run down her face, she couldn't help it as she watches her only father figure become worse in health.


I cried so much during this, from Edwina and from Charlotte.

And his delusion that she is his and charlottes daughter.

At the top is farmer George and little Charlie

The only reason I did not have Arthur is because the boy never got roped into his uncles delusions, sticking with the queen instead which Is why they are closer.

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