Chapter 3 - Never Too Late

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(This chapter name is inspired by my favorite Three Days Grace song <3)

The group was in the cafeteria, where they usually hang out, the following morning at school. As usual, they were conversing, but something seemed off.. Off. The group noticed that Chris wasn't acting like his cheerful self today and asked if he was okay. Chris explained, saying that he had difficulties sleeping the night before due to a test he was studying for. He then excused himself a short while later.

"Hey, um.. I'll be right back." He said and walked away from the table. Darren watched him from a distance after he left, worry written all over his face. Jack gave him a shoulder tap and looked his way. "Hey, do you know what's going on with Chris?" He asked with concern "I-I don't know.. I tried texting him last night and this morning but he didn't respond.. Here, I'll go see if I can talk to him in private." Darren responded to his close friend.

"Ok, good luck" "Thanks" Darren thanked him, got up and quickly walked over to the direction Chris was going. He then proceeds to the second floor; where he spots Chris walking into the men's restroom. Both ignore that they weren't supposed to be there before the bell rings. Hearing muffled sobs coming from the back stall, he enters gently and closes the door behind him. To avoid startling him, he approaches it cautiously, rests his ear against the door, and gently knocks.

"Hello? Chris?" He spoke softly. After gathering the strength to speak, Chris looked up from his hands and sniffled, "D-Darren?" He asked with a trembling voice. "Yes, it's me.. I just wanted to see if y-you were ok?" After saying that, Darren felt dumb for asking "Why'd you ask him that? He's clearly NOT ok idiot" he thought to himself.

The other boy then got up from sitting down and opened the stall door, walking out, Darren saw the eyeliner running down his friend's face "I'm sorry, I look like crap" Said Chris as he wiped off the eyeliner with a tissue he had "No you don't" Darren calmly reassured. In return, Chris

grinned and cast a glance at the ground. "Thanks.." His grin vanished, he went quiet. "Is there something going on? You don't have to talk about it i-if you don't want to, I-I was just wondering" Darren stutters.

Chris then looks back up at him as more tears fill his eyes "Yeah.. you're the one I wanted to talk to actually.." "I'm listening" Darren stated "I um.... H-had a nightmare.. Last night about.. Well.. um, do you remember back in middle school.. When I opened up to you guys about something that happened to me when I was 6? About my uncle?" He muttered in discomfort "..Yeah.. I remember.." He said, slowly nodding his head.

"Well.. I had.. A nightmare about it last night...." When he heard that, Darren could feel his heart break into a million pieces. His eyes immediately began to tear up, he found himself speechless. He hated seeing his best friend be reminded of such a terrible event in his life.

Once more, the other boy spoke. "God..I-it was so horrible.... I-I-It almost felt like..I was reliving all the stuff h-he did to me-I-I..I can still remember all the shit he said to me, I-I still remember when the police were t-taking him away, he told me "That he would do it to me again and again" and th-the things he did-" He forced himself to stop as he started sobbing silently. He put out his arms as Darren tightly embraced him and allowed the tears to fall.

"Chris.. I am so so sorry that happened to you.. No one should ever have to go through that...." Darren spoke quietly Chris buried his face even more into his closest friend's shoulder. After a brief hug, they separated.

Darren then gently gripped both of his shoulders. "Chris.. I am truly sorry you had to go through that hell, it was horrific what that monster had done to you.. He deserves to rot in that prison cell for the rest of his fucking life for how much pain and trauma he caused you.... You've been through hell and back and you still manage to put a smile on everyone's faces each and every day despite all the negative stuff that has happened to you.... You are the strongest, most beautiful, amazing, and most kind-hearted person I've ever met in my entire life.... you deserve the entire world." Darren explained allowing a few more tears to stream down his face.

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