1.Lost Silver-Rainy Day

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'I wonder what the end of space looks like I mean there has to b-'  "(Naaaammeee), your spacing out again", "Sorry, what do you need?" "Im tired of watching Shark Tank, I'm pretty sure we've watched this episode 2,000 times! You're not even paying attention anymore", I sat up straighter on the couch "Well that's an exaggeration, but I see what you mean" I grabbed the remote from under myself and switched off the TV. "Alrighty, what do you wanna do?" "l don't know...your usually the one good ideas" I barley heard the last part because of his mumbling "Your such a chick, Gold" I laughed " Come on" I went up the stares to my room and he floated behind me, "Since its raining I thought we could do something fun!" I left my door open so Gold could get it and I opened the curtness to show a view of the dark sky and thudding raindrops on the window. "Hmm" I plotted down on my bed and Gold did the same I looked at my nails while thinking "When did your nails get (Color)?They're pretty", I blushed a bit " Thanks I did them myself last night" Gold looked mesmerized for a second then he stuck to his cut off arm and turned his head slightly " Can you do mine!?"he said excitedly. I turned my head slightly away to not show the horror and confusion on my face, he has no limbs which means no nails so what dose he want me to paint? I looked back over at him and realized what he wanted me to paint the jagged bones that stuck out. I sighed in relief, "of course, what color? I got a bunch of Sades of blue and red, also purple, black, white, banana yello-" "Can I the one you have, I wanna match?" "(Color) coming right up!" I looked through my nail polish till I found the same color I had on and a cue Tip from one of my drawers just in case I messed up and sat down next to Gold who was waiting on the bed excitedly "Right, stay still and let the pro do some magic" I took Gold's left nub in my hand, I saw him get flustered and look down, as much as I wanted to tease him for being absolutely adorable I knew I had a job to do. I started to paint his bone and went on to his right bone quickly "Your all set Gold, just don't let them touch anything for the next 15 or so minutes" I lightly kissed his nose then started to put away the nail polish.  I looked back at his blushing face that he was desperately drying to hide. "There's no point in hiding gold I giggled" "Hushhhh" I playfully rolled my eyes at him and looked out the window, it was stilling going hard then there was a bright flash of lightning across the sky. "Hey Gold do wanna go on the porch with me?" "isn't it still raining out?" he floated toad the window to and looked outside "Its called storm watching it'll be fun~ Please?" "Fine, but if you get struck by lightning, I told ya so" "Sure Sure Lets Go!" I rushed down the stares and to the porch, there was a cute porch swing with some pillows that would fit me and Gold. After he floated out the door I closed it after him and sat down on the swing, Gold did the same. As we listened to the rain roughly hit the ground and roof of the porch I scooted closer to gold and wrapped my arms around his torso  careful not to touch his still wet  nail polished bones and rested my head on the top of his hat. "(Name...?) "Mmm?" "I love you" "I love you to, Gold" I lifted my head off his and gently kissed his lips then rested my head in the crook of his neck "More than anything" Gold almost inaudibly mumbled.


(This ones shorter than what I wanted but I don't wanna force it and make it bad, the art isn't mine non of the art in this book is unless I say it is. I do take requests but no sour fruit requests hope you enjoyed.-Sam

WORDS: 722

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