I: Let The Games Begin

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In the labyrinth of the city that never slept, Mel, a woman of extraordinary beauty, she was a paradox wrapped in an enigma; her allure was inescapable, her intellect intimidating. She was a mastermind who thrived in chaos, a psychological manipulator with a wickedly creative mind. Tonight, she had a mission, a deadly game of revenge against a man who had unwittingly destroyed her life: Alexander Thorne.

Alexander, a man of immense wealth and influence, had crossed paths with Mel years ago. He was just another pawn in her intricate game back then, but his actions had unwittingly demolished her world. Tonight, she would teach him the cost of his actions.

Mel strode into the lavishly decorated casino, her eyes cold as winter ice, her mind teeming with lethal strategies. She surveyed the room, calculating probabilities and assessing risks until her gaze landed on her prey.

She decided to lose, but lose spectacularly. Each toss of the dice, each flip of a card, was a performance, a display of calculated recklessness that was paradoxically strategic. She knew her antics would catch the attention of her prey. And they did.

Alexander, ensnared in her web of intrigue, approached her, offering to buy her a drink as consolation for her losses. They shared drinks and laughter, but beneath the charming banter, Mel was subtly probing him, pushing his buttons, testing his limits.

Mel lured him into a more private setting, a luxurious hotel room that was as much a stage for their deadly dance as the casino had been.

There, she unveiled the depth of her twisted intelligence. As Alexander moved closer, his face inches from hers, a flicker of recognition sparked in his eyes. He hesitated, his brow furrowed, as he tried to place her in the recesses of his memory.

"Wait... I know you," he murmured, the confusion in his voice palpable.

Mel's lips curled into a sinister smile, and she struck. With one swift, brutal motion, she sliced across Alexander's forearm, her expression a chilling mix of satisfaction and defiance. The cut was deep, a wound that would leave a scar, a constant reminder of their encounter.

Alexander staggered back, his eyes wide with terror and disbelief. The pain seared through him, but it was nothing compared to the shock of realizing the woman standing before him, the woman he had been so captivated by, was the same person whose life he had unwittingly destroyed. The weight of his actions and the consequences they had wrought came crashing down on him.

Blood dripped onto the opulent carpet as Mel leaned in, her voice a deadly whisper, "Consider this a down payment, Alexander. I will be back."

With Alexander left reeling from the shock, pain, and realization, Mel exited the room, her footsteps echoing ominously in the silence. She had made her first move, sending a clear message to her enemy: she was not a woman to be trifled with. This game was only just beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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