"Ki's gonna grab a wash rag for his face real quick." He pointed at the boy who was slipping his shoes off.

Dave's eyes lit up as he smiled. Of course he knew that they were okay now. He knew his son and his honorary son very well by now. He stood up and went to the kitchen, no doubt to help Ki with his face. Jess however looked confused, and worried.

Isaac walked back over to the couch and sat down next to him. He placed his hand on his knee and leaned to rest his head on Jess's shoulder. He mumbled quietly so just Jess could hear him. "He apologized. We hugged and then I punched him to even the score. He wants to say sorry to you too but I told him I had to ask first."

Jess's hand picked up Isaac's off his thigh and intertwined their fingers. He nodded and Isaac sat his head back up to look at him. Jess gave him a small smile. "Okay, but I might not be so forgiving."

"That's okay, just let him get the apology off his chest." Isaac said, leaning over to kiss his boyfriend. "Thank you."

Jess hummed. "He's your friend. I should at least be civil with him."

Isaac smiled and kissed him again. He had to pull himself back after that one thiugh because he knew if he didn't stop they'd be making out on the couch. That'd probably be very awkward for Ki and Dave.

The two walked out of the kitchen then, Ki holding a damp wash rag up to his nose. When Zack gave him a nod, Ki walked over and stood in front of the couch, dropping his hand down to his side and taking the rag with it. He ducked his head in shame.

"I'm really sorry, Jess." He paused to clear his throat, still not meeting Jess's harsh gaze. "Not just for how I acted after Zack told us you guys were together but also for before. I know I said a lot of stuff to and around you that wasn't okay. At the time I didn't even think about it but I know it was wrong. You have every right to hate me but I really wanted you to know that I am sorry."

When he finally looked up to meet Jess's eyes the boy on the couch narrowed them to something that was close to a glare. It made Ki swallow, his adams apple bobbing, in anticipation to what he was going to say. Even Isaac was curious.

"You're a real annoying dick." Jess said. "Like extremely annoying, you got on my nerves so bad it wasn't even funny."

Ki seemed like he didn't know how to react. He just stood there. Isaac smiled though because he could hear it in Jess's voice that he had more to say. Jess was going to forgive him.

"However, I think I liked you more when you were a happy annoying prick than when you're an irritated annoying asshole. So, if you stop spitting slurs everywhere you go I'll try to ignore the fact that you're annoying and get along with you for Isaac's sake."

Ki grinned and nodded. "I can make that deal."

"Then I guess we have an agreement." Jess said and he leaned over onto Isaac. The brunette smiled while wrapping an arm around him.

Ki looked between them with a soft smile. He then held the wash rag back up to his face because blood was starting to come dripping out of his nose again.

"Well, I'm gonna leave you guys to give each other more hickeys or whatever it is you do in your spare time. I just came by to say that. I uh- I'll see you at school?"

They both nodded. Zack smiled and reached his hand out. They dabbed each other up and Ki gave Dave a side hug before leaving.

After the blonde boy walked out Zack felt much lighter. Dave looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back because how could he not?

"Alright, well I'm gonna head back and do sone work." Dave started on the way out. "Don't make a mess on the couch."

Jess tensed and turned red at the innuendo. Isaac chuckled and leaned over to rest his head in the crook of his neck. Jess relaxed more.

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