"If your esteemed country truly wanted to know, then this monarch ought to be honest. Apart from the City Boundary Map, this monarch only deeply loves and cares for one woman."

Slight restlessness and noise spread throughout the royal court! Within this era, where men were regarded as superior to women, Mo Linyuan's actions of only pampering Ye Mu weren't considered a big deal. However, for Mo Linyuan to claim in front of everyone that he only loved and cherished one woman, was a concept others could not fathom.

After all, what was there that the emperor couldn't possess? For a single woman to be his most prized possession, that was downright inconceivable!

Mo Linyuan's announcement had also made Ye Mu dumbstruck. Mo Linyuan was supposed to be known for all eternity as a one of a kind emperor. But what if he now becomes known as an emperor who was easily engrossed by female charms; how would this ruler be able to achieve greater feats then?!

At the same time, what was going on with the slight happiness she was feeling? She must suppress it!

The Zhao Country's minister remained silent for what felt like an eternity, as he tried to suppress his emotions. He glimpsed over at the Zhao Country's princess before muttering respectfully, "Your Majesty... Even if you value one person... You don't necessarily have to reject everyone else, am I right...?"

"Among the people, there are ordinary merchants who only have a few silvers and yet they can marry more than one wife. Your Majesty, who is of noble descent as the emperor should be able to marry more than one woman like any ordinary man. It couldn't be that Your Majesty only wants to marry one woman, right...?"

These were simple words that were left unspoken in the hearts of all the Mo Country ministers!

For so many years, they have tried to propose concubines every year and yet they have been unsuccessful every time. The whole Mo Country belongs to Mo Linyuan's. During royal court meetings he would listen and obey requests in relations to cultural deputies giving propositions. Yet when it came to marriage they have all suffered bitter hardship and continuous rejection! His Majesty may have fallen in love with Ye Mu, but why did he have to delay marrying another woman?

The Zhao Country's princess looked intently at Mo Linyuan, praying that he would change his mind. Since marrying one is ok, why not marry two? Worse case she wouldn't get in the way of the other woman, wouldn't that suffice?!

Mo Linyuan laughed softly. His slender finger tapped on his forehead. He held a helpless expression as he regarded those beneath him.

"This monarch is a single man with a single heart, who can only accept one person. I have no room to accept another woman."

His words were truly astonishing! Only one woman... How can this be possible? Furthermore, how can there only be a single woman in the heart of the monarch?

Ye Mu's heart was pounding. Could it be that it was her ideologies that changed him, which was why Mo Linyuan had embraced this concept of taking only one woman for the rest of his life?!

As for the Zhao Country's Princess, she was stunned at how insignificant she was compared to Ye Mu. She was used to being doted on by someone ever since she was young. Yet, she had never heard of a man who could possibly only hold one woman in his heart!

This Mo Country's monarch... was he not afraid of becoming a laughing stock?

But it was undeniable that she was jealous of this girl she never met. What witchcraft did she use to capture his heart?

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