chapter 26: threats

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I didn't forget about you all, like I said all this hits close to home. 🖤

We had been in New York City for a week now, and it had been a week of being poked, and prodded. A week of different doctors and nurses and retelling of my medical records. Each result would come back the same, "It's might be to late, but we can try."

Too late.

I laid in bed with Rosie, forcing myself awake to play with her. She had us acting out her favorite episode of Bluey with her plushies when Harry walked into the room. He had been gone all day, meeting with the doctors to set up my treatment plan. I couldn't be bothered to go, I would do whatever they suggested regardless. Plus even though Rosie had been enjoying her new day care in the city, I didn't want to send her off today.

"How are my two favorite girls?" Harry asked, as Rosie peeked up at him and smiled.

"Bluey and Bingo are great!" She exclaimed and he laughed.

"Well I'm glad, I would hate if they weren't." He smiled at her sitting on the bed, looking over at me, "And the prettiest lady in all of New York State?"

"I'm pretty great too." Rosie said, causing Harry and I to burst into laughter.

"Well I'm glad, bug." He said, shaking his head, his eyes still on me.

I love you.

He mouthed and I smiled doing the same, "So your mom gets in today right?"

"Yes, that way your mum can stay home for a couple days and not worry about helping with the baby sitting."

I nodded and bit my lip, "Can we go explore and do something non-medical."

He smiled, reaching over and taking my hand in his, "What were you thinking exactly?"

"Anything. If I'm in New York City, I don't want to be locked up in this loft." I said, smiling softly and he nodded.

"Bug, do you wanna go to the zoo?" Harry asked, still looking at me as Rosie gasped.

"I've never been to the zoo! The zoo, the zoo!" She smiled standing up on the bed and bouncing on it. I chuckled, and let go of Harry's hand, pulling Rosie over to me.

"You're right you haven't! And I've never been to the one in the city, so it'll be a first time for us both. Harry will have to buy us hot dogs and warmed nuts while we are walking around too." I said hugging her and winking at Harry.

"I'll make sure to add it to the list of things we must accomplish today. Why don't you two get ready, I'll go prep the stroller for Rosie." He smiled, and Rosie nodded eagerly, pushing out of my arms so she could get off the bed. She walked over to the closet space, looking at her clothes, her finger to her chin, contemplating her outfits.

"She's going to take longer than both of us combined." I giggled, watching her. I turned back to Harry and he shrugged.

"You gotta always dress to impress, never know who you might meet." He said, and leaned forward, kissing me softly.

"Meanwhile when you met me, I was more a mess than I've ever been." I said, scrunching my nose at him.

"And yet, I still thought you were perfect." He smiled, kissing me again.

Harry's POV

We got to the zoo, and I waited in line to buy the tickets. I peeked over at Maddy, squatting down in front of Rosie's stroller telling her something in such an animated way. It had been a while since I had seen her like this and it warmed my heart. I watched as both of them closed their eyes and looked up, the sun hitting both their face. I chuckled, pulling out my phone and zooming in, getting a photo of the two.

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