chapter eleven : banana pancakes

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AN: So this is a bit of a shorter one. My updates usually take longer because I write double this. Let me know if you want shorter and more daily updates or you are fine with slower longer updates.

I felt the bed shift and soon a small body was squeezing between Harry and I. I peeked my eye to see Rosie looking up at me.

"Mmm, no, sleep. Please." I said hugging her and I laughed slightly when I felt Harry turn and hug both of us.

"Please Rosie. All the sleep." He said and Rosie giggled, squirming in our hold.

"No! Pancakes!" She giggled more and I groaned.

"Why did I ask you to stay?" Harry joked in his sleepy voice and I pinched his arm softly causing him to chuckle. "Okay bug, let's make a deal, we sleep one more hour and then you'll get all the pancakes."

He let us go, giving room for Rosie to turn and look at him, she took his face in her tiny hands, "Mmmm, okay. But I stay here."

"Mhm, you can. Now come, come. The faster we sleep, the faster you get pancakes." He said, and I just smiled. She quickly adjusted herself so she was cuddling me, and Harry's arm rested gently over us both.

I smiled, kissing Rosie's head, linking my fingers with Harry's as we all fell asleep again.

Harry's POV

I woke up, looking over at Rosie and Madeline, my heart melting at the sight of them. They truly were twins. Both their curls everywhere and crazy. They each held their own nose in the space between their thumb and pointer finger.

I reached over and ran my finger softly on Rosie's cheek, "Bug." I whispered. I repeated twice until she peeked an eye. I put my finger over my mouth, "Shhh. Okay? Pancakes?"

She smiled sleepily and nodded, peeking over at Maddy. She slowly wiggled towards me as I carefully got off the bed. I held my hands out to her and picked her up off the bed. She yawned, a little squeak at the end of it causing me to laugh softly.

When we were in the hall I, I closed my bedroom door and looked at her, still speaking low, "We are going to brush our teeth and then go make pancakes. We have to be extra quiet, so we can bring them and eat them in bed with your mum, okay?"

She nodded, hugging my neck and yawning again. She was fighting her sleep a bit, but I knew she wanted the pancakes more. We walked into the bathroom and I sat her on the counter, adding toothpaste to her brush and handing it to her. I did the same with mine, and we brushed our teeth. I stopped ever few second to help her and soon we were making our way downstairs.

When we got to the kitchen, I grabbed a chair from the table and placed it near the island so she could stand on it and help.

"My momma likes bananas in pancake." She said, pointing to my fruit bowl and I nodded.

"I do too, with cinnamon." I smiled, as I grabbed the box of instant pancake mix and a bowl.

I would measure out the ingredients as I went, letting her pour them into the bowl. We were making a mess of course, but I felt like that was part of the fun of cooking. I let her continue to mix everything in the bowl as I pulled out a long skillet and started warming it up.

As I did my phone started ringing on the counter, Rosie gasping and quickly putting her finger over her lips, "Shhhh!" She said and I laughed, reaching for the phone. I saw it was Sarah FaceTiming me and I answered, leaning the phone on the paper towel holder.

"Hi Hazza, I hope I didn't wake you up!" She said and I smiled shaking my head.

"No, I'm up, making pancakes." She smiled and soon we were blocked by Rosie leaning over.

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