chapter 11

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Meanwhile Cooper was still on his mission to find other trolls that look like him. He happened to look low and see four light blue legs. Cooper instantly ran to them thinking that it was his  kind but it turned out to be 2 two legged birds. But 2 turned into 3 but then turned into many. Squawking and honking at him;surrounding him. Copper got so scared that a cake with candles popped out of his butt. Meanwhile with our heros,night has fallen over the river. Hickory has built a fire with Biggie and Mr.Dinkles sitting with him. Branch watching hickory like a hawk. Trollex and y/n were playing in the water to not dry up.  “I can make a cortado, a macchiato, and a latte. We also do drip.” hickory said. “Oh. It is a nice night, isn't it? Mr. Dinkles loves a full moon.” Biggie said. Like I said, Branch was watching hickory like a hawk. With literally binoculars even though he was like 3 feet away. Hickory saw that branch was spying on him but instead of being creeped out he just smiled and waved.  “Let's get our grub on.” hickory called out.  “Well, I'll bring more kindlin'.” Poppy said in a southern accent while carrying more wood. Branch grabbed Poppy's arm causing her to drop the wood. “Poppy, maybe it's just me, but are you getting a weird vibe from Hickory?” Branch asked. “ What? No. Why? Are you? ” Poppy answered branch’s question with a question. I just-- I don't know. I don't trust him. Branch replied. “Well, yeah, but you don't trust anybody, Branch.” Poppy said.  “Hey, I just want us to be safe. And you know what's not safe? Putting too much trust into a complete stranger. Remember y/n’s song back at Symphonyville?” Branch asked. “Aww, of course. It was a cute little song.” Poppy said happily. “If you truly remembered, she says people don't always say what they mean and things aren't always what they seem.” Branch says. “Oh, I see.It's not Hickory you don't trust. It's me.Do you not think I'm a good queen?” Poppy asked, changing the subject. “Wait, what? I didn't say that.” branch said confused. “I thought we were friends, Branch. I'm startin' to think you don't even know what that means. Poppy said accusingly.  “We are friends.And sometimes that means speaking up if I think you're making a mistake.” branch explained. But then there was a faint sound of smooth jazz? “Do you hear something?” Branch asked. Moments earlier y/n and trollex were playing tag when they heard a faint sound of smooth jazz. They went up to the surface to the edge of the raft. They saw a light-light red troll with brighter red hair and chest hair. He seems to be playing the saxophone. [ to me it sounds like the instrument he plays sounds like the saxophone]. The music he plays seems to be doing something to their friends. They were acting weird; like in a trance. Just then y/n and trollex got grabbed by hickory and hickory covered both of their mouths before they could shout. "Shh I need to be quiet," Hickory whispered, removing his hands. Trollex held y/n. "Who is that guy?" Trollex asked. "That's Chaz the smooth jazz troll. With his music he could hypnotize anyone. Which reminds me." Hickory answered and pulled out some gumdrops. "put these in your ears, it'll block the music." Trollex puts his in his ears and helps y/n put on yours. "Stay here, I'll take care of him." Hickory said.
"What are you going to do?" You asked. "I'm going to teach him a lesson," Hickory answered. You and trollex looked from the edge and saw the your their friends are snapping back to reality and confused of what was going on. Chaz was about to hypnotize them again when he was interrupted by hickory. "Hold it right there, Chaz." " And who are you supposed to be, cowboy pants?" Chaz smirked. The captured trolls gasped along with you and trollex. "My name's Hickory, and I don't much care for smooth jazz." Hickory said, straightening his hat. The Trolls gasped again. "Oh, yeah? Well, you've just never had the Chaz experience." Chaz smirked, licked his lips and played his saxophone again while floating around hickory. Just when Chaz was directly behind hickory, hickory kicked him with his hind legs, taking him into the river. The captured trolls looked at hickory not knowing how he wasn't hypnotized. Hickory got the gumdrops out of his ears. "Gumdrops.Soundproof and delicious." Hickory said while he ate the gumdrops that were in his ears. You and trollex were grossed out that hickory ate gumdrops that was directly in his ears. The two looked at each other while they just dropped theirs on the floor. Trollex and you helped hickory untie the other three. "Who was that guy?" Poppy asked. "One of the many Bounty Hunters
out there lookin' for you." Hickory answered pointed at Poppy.  "That was awful. So smooth and easy and awful." Biggie yelled, freaking out.  "I know, big buddy. It's enough to put you off jazz altogether.: hickory said.  "All right, that's it! We need to go home." Biggie said having enough. "Biggie, it'll be okay." Poppy said.  "Stop saying that and listen to me. You only hear what you want to hear, and it puts us all in danger. How are you supposed to save the world if you can't even keep us safe? You made a pinky promise to me, Queen Poppy. And you broke it." Biggie stating the facts. Poppy tried to say something but she couldn't find anything to say. You looked at the both of them debating whether to say something but decided that it's best not to say anything. Biggie went to the edge to the raft and pulled Mr Dinkles which got him started like an engine on a motor boat. Biggie got on his worm and went off but not without saying "What kind of queen breaks a pinky promise?" Which left everyone speechless.

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