chapter 7

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The place was destroyed or on fire. It was a depressing sight. You were both scared and shocked at the sight. Everyone got out of the balloon and looked around. "Whoa Something gnarly happened here." Branch said. "Hello?" A voice called out. You hugged trollex tighter as trollex held you tighter.Branch picked up a Bow in defense. "Who said that? Identify yourself!" "Uh, are you nice or are you mean?" The voice called out again. Poppy told her that they're nice but Branch added that they're not too nice, so don't try anything which earned a glare from poppy. Just then a little whistle popped up from a dust pile and rolled to the others. You got out of trollex's arms and slowly picked her up."hi,what's your name?" you asked. My name is Pennywhistle." "Nice to meet you." you said. Trollex smiled at your friendliness. "What is this place?" Poppy asked. "It used to be called Symphonyville." Pennywhistle said before coughing. "Are you okay?" You asked. "Yes I'm alright." Pennywhistle answered. "What happened here?" Poppy asked. "It was a place where all of the Classical Music Trolls could live in perfect harmony.She took our string.Our-our music.She took everyone.She took everyone.We lost everything." Pennywhistle explained. You went to Pennywhistle and hugged her. You had tears streaming down your face. Trollex hugged you to comfort you. "Barb doesn't want to unite us.She wants to destroy us." Poppy said in realization. Poppy, not everyone is nice or everyone is not what they seem. Suddenly there was music.


People don't always say what they mean
And things are not always what they seem
You better know before you make a scene
That things are not always what they seem
Friend or foe?
How do you know?
Let their actions speak
Better or worse?
Trust them first
Soon enough you'll see
That people don't always say what they mean
And things are not always what they seem
You better know before you make a scene
That things are not always what they seem
Rumors come and rumors go
Until you get some proof
Don't believe what you hear
Try to find the truth
That people don't always say what they mean
And things are not always what they seem
You better know before you make a scene
That things are not always what they seem
Not what they seem

Everyone was shocked and amazed by what you sang. Trollex went up to you and looked at you with an impressed look on his face. "That was a beautiful and useful song there y/n." You blushed at the praise. "Thank you." Even a kid knows you can't trust everyone but enough of that. We need to make sure our own string is safe." Branch said. Poppy turned with a guilty look on her face. "Uh, our string is safe." Poppy said as she took out the string out of her hair. "What?!" Everyone said. Branch was shocked at what poppy was thinking. "Poppy, are-are you crazy?" I thought it was a good idea at the time.I-I can't believe another queen would use her power for evil." Poppy said in defense. "Okay. Change of plans.We need to get home as fast as we can and get everyone in the bunker." Branch said trying to leave. "Uh, no. Change of plans.We have to stop Barb from destroying all music.If we don't stop her, who will?" Poppy said. "Poppy, you said this could be handled with hugs.How are we gonna hug our way out of this one?" Biggie said panicking. "It's okay, Biggie. Really?" Poppy said, trying to calm him down. "It's okay to be terrified?When am I gonna learn to stay away from the cotton candy?!" Biggie panics. "No.As your queen, I promise that I will protect you, no matter what.I... pinky promise." Poppy promised holding out her pinky. Biggie turned to her and gasped even Mr Dinkles was shocked,mouth agape. Poppy had a look of determination on her face. "Poppy, you know you can't go back on a pinky promise." Biggie said. "Never did, never will." Poppy said. Biggie looked at Mr Dinkles and nodded to each other. They wrapped their pinkies around each other. They both hovered to the sky as a Shockwave of pick glitter spread. It even blew the balloon away. Far even copper said the glitter. "A pinky promise. Dang." Poppy and biggie hovered back to the ground. "Let it be so" Poppy started. "And so it is." Biggie added. Branch just groaned and rolled his eyes. "This just got real." Pennywhistle said with you and trollex nod in agreement. Poppy pulled the map. "We have to get to the Country Music Trolls in Lonesome Flats before Barb does." Poppy turned to Pennywhistle. "Will you come with us?" "Oh, no. Someone has to rebuild.And Pennywhistle is that woodwind for the job." Poppy smiled and pulled out a tiny hard hat and put it on her head. "Good luck, little Pennywhistle." Poppy turned to leave with everyone else. Trollex picked you up and carried you back to the balloon and sit down with you on his lap. Everyone else climb in and begin to fly away again.

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