🩷Heart to Heart | Jack

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After what seemed to be a one night stand, Jack and I started to date after a while. Our relationship was slow but steady. Everything was going perfectly. He made me so happy, and he genuinely loved me.

After 6 months, Jack and I were hanging out at his house. It was our four month anniversary so obviously we had to do something special. It wasn't a long time, but it showed how our relationship had progressed from a one night stand.

I walked through the halls of his house and made my way to his living room. The room was pretty big and the walls were painted a dark forest green. I sat down on the couch, and my body sank into it easily.

"Hey angel." He said, walking in. He looked to be out of breath. He was cooking us dinner. In my past relationships, a man had never cooked me dinner. So this was special to me. It showed how he cared.

He sat down next to me on the couch. "Hey." I smiled. "The foods in the oven, it's almost finished." He grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. He would put on a scream movie.

His fingers intertwined with mine. His hands were oddly warm and bigger than my hands. I looked up at him. I suddenly felt warm inside. I loved this man more than I could put into words. It's funny. Just a few months ago, he was some guy who went to my high school, and now he's my boyfriend. "I love you." I said while burying my head into his chest. Out of instinct, he ran his free hand through my hair. "I love you too, Angel."

Before we could even get to dinner, I fell asleep in his arms. Which is the best anniversary I could ever ask for.

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