"Are you hungry?" Keefe asks me but I shake my head.

"I ate before I came," I say.

It's awkward. Really awkward. I sigh.

"Look, Keefe," I start. "I don't want us to just talk with small talk. So how about this: we each get three questions we can ask each other tonight and then we will go to sleep."

He nods. "Okay, I'm game for that, Foster."

Foster. For some reason it sends a pang to my heart. The nickname he would call me. I shake it away.

"You can go first," I tell him.

I notice his face go into thought, but he doesn't break eye contact with me.

"Why aren't you more angry with me?" He asks.

"To be honest," I say reaching up to tug on an eyelash, "I don't know. I know I should be lecturing you right now. But we are adults now, and to be honest, I wasn't prepared to be staying here. I just feel kind of weird."

He nods, as if understating my rambling. Well I guess it's my turn now.

"Do you hate me?" I ask him.

His eyes look concerned. "Why would I hate you Foster? It should be the other way around."

"Because it's been five years," my voice cracks, "and I couldn't find you. What if you thought we gave up on finding you, or we didn't care anymore."

I can't make eye contact with him as I feel the raw emotion leave my voice. If he did hate me, what am I going to do? Suddenly, I feel him hold my hands. The feeling is welcome and it sends flutters to my stomach. I just know he felt that, but he doesn't tease me.

"Sophie, look at me," he says and his tone makes me obey.

I look up at him and notice how close he is from before. "I don't hate you," he says. "Not even close. I promise. Now, please, don't say something so sad Foster."

His little smile makes me want to jump around squealing but I stay down on the couch.

"How is everyone back home?" He asks me.

This question was a long one. I had to update him on how Dex and Biana are engaged. Fitz became an emissary. And I left out the fact that Fitz thinks we are dating. Tam and Rayni (Glimmer) are a thing. And Linh and Wylie are a thing. I'm helping Forkle with the issue of the Neverseen runaways. After updating him on everything, he looks a little worn out.

"Wow, it's crazy how much can happen in a few years," he says. "And Dex and Biana, that's unexpected."

I shrug my shoulders but smile at the thought. "Biana was the one that proposed to him."

At this, Keefe laughs. A real laugh. It warms my heart. "That's so expected. Ugh, I miss the Dexinator."

"And what about you? I noticed you didn't say anything about Fitz dating anyone. Are you guys...?" Keefe asks.

"No," I say abruptly. "Well, it's complicated. I agreed to date him in order to complete the Cognate Inquisition. But I don't-"

Keefe grabs my hands. He looks into my eyes like he's searching for something.

"That's a lot of hate and resentment im feeling from you Foster," he says. "Why are you dating him if you feel like this?"

I bite my lip. Should I tell him?

"You already asked your three questions," I point out, avoiding the topic, "It's my turn now."

I can tell he doesn't want to drop it, but he complies. "Who was that girl working with you?" I blurt out.

I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. I didn't mean to ask that question, but I blurted put my thoughts. I notice a smirk pop up on Keefe's face.

"Is someone jealous?" Keefe asks.

I scoff. "What?! No way."

He chuckles. "It's okay Foster, you're still my number one," he winks at me and that definitely doesn't help the redness fade away. "She's the one who got me the job. Her name is Alice."

I nod, avoiding eye contact. "Okay, well, we can probably go to bed now since we cleared the air."

I stand up to pull out the couch.

"Wait, what are you doing?" He asks me.

I look over at him. "I'm going to sleep down here."

"Oh no, it's fine. You can sleep upstairs," he says casually, getting up.

"Wha- What?!" Is he saying to sleep in his bed?! I mean... What no! This is way too soon. I'm not prepared.

He looks at me weirdly but then his crooked grin appears. "Foster, it's like you forgot I was an Empath. There's another room upstairs."

I flush from embarrassment. "Damn you, Keefe," I say and I hear him laugh.

Keefe's WhereaboutsWhere stories live. Discover now