Chapter 12

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"Catch ya later Vern" a boy with black hair waved as the mention male just gave him a nodded

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"Catch ya later Vern" a boy with black hair waved as the mention male just gave him a nodded. It was the ending of fourth period and all Hansol wanted to do was go home. His conversation with Seungkwan from this morning still lingering in his head. 'What if I never get my power spark? I'll be useless to the team.' He started to think as he walked slowly down the hallway. He looked down at his hands like they had some sort of answer as he thought of any potential way to trigger his powers.

As he was doing so a group of boys called out to him, "yo beanie and bright color shirt! Where's your boyfriend? Probably choking someone out right now." The boy in the middle laughed, along with the others, thinking that what they said was funny. "Seungkwan never choked someone, he choked on thin air." Hansol sternly told as he turned to the group. "Oh don't fuck with me, you and me both know that he's a freak. What are they called again.....super....super naturals. Yeah, he's one of those freaks." The boy said as he snapped his fingers.

Hansol hands subconsciously balled into fists as he facial features darken. "Awe look, he's getting angry. What are you going to do? Punch me?" The male snorted as he looked back to laugh with his friends. While that happened, Hansol's body to fade away as his anger grew more intense by the minute. By the time the male turned back to face Hansol, he was no longer there. "Awe~ he must've ran to find his lit-"

The boy couldn't finish his sentences as he felt a force hit his cheek, making his face turn to the side. "The fuck?" He breathed out as he felt his lip, blood leaking from his bottom lip. "That's for making fun of Seungkwan." Hansol said as he body appeared in front of the boy before disappearing again. "How—what—where—"

A kicked to the back knocked the boy to the ground as he placed his hand on the hurting area. "That's for calling Seungkwan a freak." Hansol stated appearing in front of the boy again with an all too sweet smile before once again disappearing. The boy then felt a knee kneeling him in the back as he fell to the floor. His right arm getting lifted up and turned, he could hear a few bones cracking as he cried out in pain as his arm fell to the floor.

"And that was for fun, I guess." Hansol smirked as he appeared in front of the male on the floor, sitting crisscrossed with his arms crossed over his chest. "You're a freak! No one will ever love you!" The boy yelled as he tried to get up off the floor. "I think you're the freak here. I mean, whatever you say to someone is just a reflection of yourself." Hansol shrugged as he held the boy's body down with his own.

"What is going on here?" A teacher exclaimed as she entered the hallway. "And why are you on the floor?" She asked as she moved closer to the student on the floor. "H-he beat me." The boy faked stutter as he pointed at Hansol that was supposedly still on his back. "There's no one there, quit playing with me Hyewon." The teacher said with a hand on her hip as she gave the student a look. Hyewon looked back to see that Hansol wasn't there anymore and the weight of the boy's body was no longer there on him as well. With a shock and disbelief expression on his face, the teacher dragged him to out the hall.

"Ha, that's what you get for calling Kwannie a freak." Hansol snickered as he appeared next to the lockers all the way at the end of the hall with crossed arms. With a smirk he turned the corner and made his way to lunch.

"There you are? Where have you been?" Seungkwan questioned as he watched Hansol approach their lunch table. "I was dealing with something. But that's not the important part." Hansol said as he set his tray down on the table. "Well, what is?" Jisoo asked, now interested in the two's conversation. "I got my power smile!" Hansol announced with a smile as everyone stared at him with amazed expressions. "No way! Really?" Mingyu was the first to speak as he wanted to know all the details. Hansol told the group what happened and some of them had amazed expressions while the some others had disappointed expressions (Jisoo mainly).

"That's amazing of you Sol, but remember you can't go around using your powers like that. The world still hates us for whatever reason. Imma let you off this time, but promise me you'll use them in emergencies." Jisoo said with a soft, but stern tone as he lectured the younger who nodded to his words. "I promise Jisoo hyung, I won't use them without a purpose." Hansol sweared as he received a nod from the other.

The lunch table fell silent as they really didn't know what to say next. So they just eat in silence for the remainder of lunch. The bell soon rang and all the students started to clean up their tables and headed out the lunch room. "Remember, to meet up in the front of the school after seventh period." Jisoo remained both leaving the group for his fifth period class. The remainder of the group started to walk out the lunch room and down the hall.

"You did amazing sol, I just can't wait to get my spark!" Seokmin exclaimed with a bright smile as he skipped alongside the younger. "Thanks Minnie, I'm sure you'll get yours soon." Hansol smiled as he softly patted the back of the older. "I can't wait as well! You don't know how I'll feel to lift something up with my mind!" Mingyu expressed with hand gestures, earning laughter from the others.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get to class you pick puppy." Wonwoo said as he dragged Mingyu along away from the group. Slowly the others started to slip away, leaving Hansol with Seungkwan. "See, I told you it'll come sooner or later." Seungkwan nudged Hansol with a smile as the younger started to laugh lightly. "You did, thank you." Hansol replied as he ruffled the shorter's blonde hair.

Seungkwan gave Hansol a look before fixing his hair, "I was going to say thank you for sticking up for me, but now I won't because you messed up my hair." Seungkwan sassed as he fixed the strap of his bag on his shoulders before speed walking away. Hansol chuckled lightly before he called out to the older boy.

"You know we have the same class, right?"

Which he received a middle finger from the other. 'Boo're killing me.'

Yayy 3 out of 7 members got their sparks!!! And no more sad Nonie!!! It was lowkey hurting me.

Who do you think will get their sparks next?




I feel like it's going to be Mingyu, but idk.

But anyways

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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