1.1 New city, new life

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Here's a piece of life advice that I will adhere to until the day I die: Brothers are the most vile creatures ever to walk the planet, and sisters are even worse.

My sisters especially. I have four, and in my opinion, just one would've been enough. Especially if I could pick which sibling to keep, then I'd keep Amelia, the rest of them are stuck up, nosy, arrogant witches.

So when I was choosing which hospital I would complete my residency in, I made sure it was far, far away from any one of my sisters. Which, however, did present me with a small problem: I had nowhere to stay. With their claws all over New York I had to leave, which is where I found my solution.

My brother.

Now yes, like I said earlier, brothers are the most vile creatures ever to walk the planet, but at least he's not Nancy, Liz or Kathleen. Luckily for me, he'd just caught his wife in the sheets with his best friend, so had promptly moved to Seattle, the other side of the goddamn country.

Which is perfect, because I'd rather be stuck with one sibling than three.

And thus, I am here.

Here in Seattle, trainers drowning in mud and clothes soaked from the seemingly forever ongoing onslaught of rain which had been kind enough as to attack me. Not to mention I'm in the complete middle of nowhere, on top of a freezing cold hill with the only sign of human life anywhere near me being a trailer which looks like some kind of cheap, rusted excuse of a submarine.

But who am I to judge? Shutting yourself off from civilization is a totally normal reaction to a divorce.

You would think that when your baby sister shows up at your door, drenched and alone, you'd give her a nice warm blanket and invite her inside, spewing out compliments of how much you love and adore her.

Not my brother.

My brother for some unknown reason was absolutely furious.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" He seethed, frown lines deep and pupils dilated, leaving him looking like some sort of disgruntled troll.

"What do you think, jackass? I'm moving in."

"No you're not." Letting out a short, fake laugh, he tried to slam the door in my face, but I'm not going to let him continue with that rude behaviour, so obviously I just shimmied past him in the door frame before he could leave me locked out in the cold with the wolves.

"Oh come on Der, I'm really down on my luck, and coming here was my only option."

"No it's not," He crossed his arms over his chest, "We have four sisters for a reason, that reason is that you bother them, not me."

I mean I thought he'd at least pretend to be a bit more welcoming.

"But none of them are in Seattle!"

"Why do you need to be in Seattle? It rains here, you'd hate it."

The nerve of this boy, "Because I have a job, a very important job which happens to be in Seattle."

"Great job," The gentle widening of his eyes was an evident tell that he was being sarcastic, "but you can't stay here."

"Please," I pouted, gesturing to my backpack and now very damp and very itchy clothes, "It's scary out there."

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