Depuis le début

Double shit. Business gala or as in trying to rip each other off by some ridiculous blackmail material. King was a programmer on his office yes. But he was a hacker in the dark and a damn good one too. And since his dad need him in his business it might be someone important or someone absurdly annoying.

“But why do you need a hacker? You can just ask hia. He knows how do deal with this shit. Like he can literally rip a deal with satan himself.” Which was true. His older sibling , the heir of their family can probably flash a smile and play his outlandish games of deals and take what he needs. He might not be invested in blood and fighting like their cousin P’Venice. But he surely can dig a hole for his poor victims and then make them think that they can escape falling and then kick them right in it.

He was not the heir for anything. But the real question was why the fuck is his father telling him to go instead of him. His papa knows exactly what he was thinking.

“Pai had gone off to some vacation with his boyfriend. And he has been working quiet hard this days. Also some shit happened, So I gave him his vacation, he needs it.” Papa said casually without even looking at him. Dad was still on his phone refusing to insert himself in the conversation.

“But why do I need a partner for?” King couldn’t help but ask questionably.

“The gala will be for couples. Its mandatory to take a plus one with you that day.” Papa replied offhandly. Like it was nothing serious.

But hold on a damn sec. It was serious , very serious. He can’t take another partner when he has an arrangement with Uea. They both promised that they will come clean with each other if either of them will have another partner. And on top of that Uea was so excited about their vacation.

So king tried to reason with him “Papa , I don’t think I will be useful. You know how I am. I work on the dark. Tell me what information you need I will get it done and I have something planned on for the vacation.”

His papa stared at him with a serious expression and said “King have I ever asked you to go somewhere where you don’t want to go? We need you there on that day. And people need to know my second son. They have not seen your face since you have moved out. Not a single family function. And your brother also need a helping hand now since he will be introduced as the heir”

King felt a lump in his throat. He had always known he have to participate in the business someday. But he was not ready yet. He was happy with his work.

King didn’t known when ha got silent. He snapped out of it when his dad spoke up.

“King I know you don’t like it. Maybe you are not ready for it. And we wont ask you to participate if you don’t feel like it. And I will take care of your papa, no need to worry about that either. I know its hard, and I am quite upset that your papa didn’t tell me about this arrangement but King somewhere in my heart I know your Phi needs it. We can’t just ask him to come early from his much needed vacation, that would be wrong of us and your cousin is also in some business. He had gone to France as our new branch architect. That’s why your papa asked you to go.” Dad sat down beside him. Taking his hands , stroking them like some form of comfort.

He was Feeling overwhelmed. He was close with his dad, probably because he has same skin tone like him. Somewhat tan. His cigarette habit that he picked up from him. Although both him and his brother has taken their father Papa’s habit of flings. But king liked to flirt where’s his brother straight up called an escort. God knows how he managed to settle down.

But among all this his brother always protected him. Shielding him away from all the harm. Even if he didn’t do any work for them his card was always full. Maybe that’s why king thought agreeing to go. Lessen some burden .

“Ok, I will go. Tell me when and what do I need to know.” He told them confidently and he stared at his papa.

And sure enough he was awarded with a smile. His papa looked handsome even if there was some old marks in his face.

“I will send you all the details later. The only thing you need to know is I have selected the person you will go with. Since I know you don’t have someone stable to go with. You can meet them today. I have arranged a dinner for you guys. They are from our class and knows all about this gala’s.” his papa told him.

He saw his dad twitching at his so-called partner. And ohhhh, that’s what dad was mad about. His papa selecting his partner for him without him knowing. He knew his dad hated all those escort service.

“Uhh, is this person a boy or a girl?” he mumbled , not having energy to make his papa change his decision

His pa just smiled “You will know”.

“Ok, I need to go now, I have office in an hour.” He said sourly, already getting up .No idea how to tell Uea about this thing.

His dad also got up and hugged him. The familiar scent of his dad’s soothed him. He knew his dad didn’t wear any perfumes since P’Pai was born and he was also glad about it.

His papa smiled and touched his soulder with a proud smile. He didn’t look back when he crossed the room already feeling his eyes going red.



“Honesly Kinn, was this necessary?”, posche asked his husband as he saw his son making it out of the room.

“Come on darling . I just wanted to know who he was sleeping with. You know he jumps from one to another. But this boy managed to get him on proper routine. Don’t blame me for being curios of our son’s partner.” Kinn said while hugging Porsche from back.

“And as if hadn’t dived all of his information. Also such a brilliant idea to bind your son with some unknown slut”, Porsche just rolled his eyes. Already feeling bitter. He really hated those. He had a fit when Prapai took his papa’s old escort company card and managed to get addicted. He was happy that his youngest didn’t like that. Even if he was a Casanova. At least he dated them.

“Do you think that I would let any unknown person anywhere near my son. And I didn’t find any slut. I didn’t even find anyone. I know King well. When he is in an arrangement he would not try to cheat on them. And I have a feeling that I would get a call from that brat soon.” Kinn smiled mischievously. Already planned everything out.

Porsche looked at his husband and knew he just laid a trap for King just to bring his desired partner. Seriously this man never changes. He could feel a headache coming.

Honestly he should have left this man on that forest that day.

JUST A FLEETING FEELINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant