"It's not time yet?" Cherie chirped.

"No, not yet–but soon," I said of the mission to escape. Thanks to the portal cards, I could send the twins away, never to return, and hopefully eradicate Darcy, myself. But I had to make sure Jack and Sunny were safe.

Ava pulled Cherie along by the sleeve, both taking long strides to keep up with me. "You've heard back from the guys?" she asked breathlessly.

"They're at the angel's place. Do you have the djinn dust?"

"Of course." She handed the bag to me.

Not bothering with a driver, I climbed into the car. "I want you two to hang out at the guest house tonight. I don't know what Darcy is up to, but he's messing with some strange, dark magic, calling the Baron in for this. I'll return shortly." Stay alive, I wanted to add, but I didn't want to startle them. The fricative energetic signature of the night was ripe with foreboding. I couldn't tell who was in more danger–Jack and Sunny, Yalina and Aurie, or the three of us. Maybe we all were.


Rounding the parking lot at Sunny's apartment, I pumped the brakes at the gaggle of cop cars. "What's this about?" I grumbled as I parked. Jack and Sunny's nosy neighbor–I think her name was Denise–was outside talking to one of the uniformed officers. I killed the engine and hopped from the vehicle, catching the tail end of her monologue.

"...Just isn't that type of complex! When I saw those thugs lure that innocent elderly couple into their vehicle, I knew they couldn't be trusted so I called you guys," she described. "At first I thought it had something to do with their son–you know he's an ex-felon–but Jack has been a model citizen since his conviction got overturned. If anything, it's probably a case of mistaken identity."

"Yes, ma'am. Well, you leave the investigating to us, alright?" said the cop. "I think you've given us a good description of the men who took the Slobodniks, and now that they're home safe and sound, we'll find the culprits. In the meantime, we've put out an alert to lockdown the area. Please go inside, lock your doors, and if you see the men come back, call us at once."

"Absolutely, officer. You're a lifesaver," gushed Denise.

Darcy's exuberance at being close to the prize had him sloppy. I swore under my breath, then did a double-take at another officer who looked suspiciously like Kato. Older, more put together in the navy blue digs of law enforcement, the OASIS agent blended in with the others on patrol. A beard and mustache that matched the hair up top shaded the youth's face, contributing to the believability of the disguise. I also spotted Ajit and made a beeline for him.

"You found them?" I stated the obvious.

The attractive Indian familiar leaned with his arms crossed against a street lamp. He nodded at my approach. "Got 'em out, brought 'em home, and found this hullabaloo." He waggled his eyebrows. The cops looked like they were wrapping up, satisfied no one was hurt. I couldn't imagine what the Slobodniks had told them about their disappearance. Clearly, not the truth.

"Looks like Denise takes her Neighborhood Watch job a little too seriously," I replied. The woman looked pleased with herself as she went into her unit and locked the door. I watched her peek through the blinds. Jack would be astonished to hear that she had stood up for him.

Kato wandered over to us For my ears only, the agent relayed, "OASIS has recovered The Book of Tides. I repeat, OASIS has recovered The Book of Tides."

I stared at the ground as swells of hope threatened to steal my breath. They had done it. They had secured the most dangerous aspect of our mission. Now, all my team had to do was deliver the Map of Destiny, buy our freedom, and move on with our lives.

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