A Match Into Water III

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Warnings: corpses (inferi)
references to torture

And this chapter (and next) is exactly why I chose "A Match into Water" by Pierce the Veil for James' chapters. This moment. This chapter. With this part of the song. It was worth it.

If you never listened to it - do it! It does things to me everytime I listen to it.


I screamed out, "God, you vulture
Bring her back or take me with her"
Tear it down, break the barricade! I want to see what sound it makes
I hate this flavour with a passion and I fucking hate the aftertaste!
How does it feel? How does it feel? Well, it feels like I'm on fire
Wake up, I know you can hear me
- A Match into Water by Pierce The Veil

James is holding on to Regulus with all his might, trying to stop him from moving and kicking around. He is crying and screaming in his arms, whimpering at every touch.

He is begging them to stop, but they can't. Sirius cannot stop. He has promised Regulus he wouldn't. James can barely watch this. With one part of his mind, he is grateful, he doesn't have to be the one forcing the potion into Regulus. He looks so small like this, crying in James' arms.

He is calling his name in his sobs.

"I'm here," James whispers, "I'm here. I won't ever leave you again. I love you, Reggie, I love you, I'm so sorry."

He isn't sure Regulus even hears him at this point. Sirius is kneeling next to them, the cup abandoned.

"Reggie," Sirius says, his hand tight around Regulus' wrist. It's the left wrist, just underneath the Mark. It doesn't matter now. Nothing matters now. Only Regulus matters. "Look at me, come on, look at me. You made it, it's over."

Sirius adjusts his hand, searching for a pulse on his little brother's wrist. "Reggie," his voice breaks in the middle of the name, "Don't fucking die on me now, you idiot. Come on!"

"We have to go back," James says, "Get him to the headquarters and let Peter heal him."

Sirius nods. He holds on to James and his brother and then – nothing. Sirius looks around confused.

"What are you doing? Bring us home!"

"I can't. I don't – I can't apparate."

James stares at him in horror. He tries. It doesn't work. They don't move an inch.
"Fuck. Okay, to the boat, we have to get out the way we came in."

"Like this? He won't fucking survive the way out!"

Regulus stirs slightly in James' arms.

"Reggie, shh, don't move. Can you hear me? Reggie, please."

Regulus is shaking in his arms. He coughs violently, remaining otherwise motionless.

James turns him on his side. "Water. Sirius, get him some fucking water."

Sirius blindly reaches for the cup and points his wand to it – "Aguamenti"

He brings the cup to Regulus' lips – the water disappears. It simply evaporates. The cup is dry again.

Sirius tries it again and again – "Aguamenti! Aguamenti! Fuck! Aguamenti!"

Every time the water is about to enter Regulus' mouth, it dries up.

Sirius curses. James sits Regulus upright against the basin with the potion. His breathing is getting weaker.

"Reggie, hold on, we'll get you out, I swear, we'll get you out of here," James whispers and takes the cup from Sirius. "Do you have that fucking locket?"

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