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Hot Take of this Chapter: James quotes Winnie Pooh to Regulus. I don't take criticism.

Anyway, I think Coraline by Måneskin is very Jegulus coded - Reggie is Coraline and James is Damiano. I will not elaborate. Because I can't. But I'm right.


E Coraline piange
Coraline ha l'ansia
Coraline vuole il mare
ma ha paura dell'acqua
E forse il mare è dentro di lei
E ogni parola è un'ascia
Un taglio sulla schiena
Come una zattera
che naviga in un fiume in piena
E forse il fiume è dentro di lei 

And Coraline cries
Coraline has anxiety
Coraline wants the sea
But is afraid of the water
And Maybe the sea is inside her
And every word is an axe
A wound on the back
Like a raft that sails on a raging river
And maybe the river is inside her

- Coraline by Måneskin

While waiting for the train in Hogsmeade, Regulus can't stop himself from looking for James in the crowd. He can't see him anywhere, nor his friends. He sees the Gryffindor girls in a circle, but Remus, who is at least one head taller than all of them, isn't there, so it is unlikely the rest is.

A large black dog appears out of nowhere and runs up to the crowd at the station. Soon after, Remus, Pettigrew and James come as well, seemingly carrying not only their stuff but also Sirius's, who is nowhere to be seen himself.

Remus whistles and the dog comes running to them.

For the next five minutes, Remus is scolding the fuck out of the dog. He's getting funny looks from all around, and even James and Pettigrew start laughing but Remus ignores them.

Regulus can't tear his eyes away from James. They haven't spoken since their fight about Sirius. Regulus doesn't want to go home without speaking to James again.

Without kissing James one last time.

James looks up and catches him looking. He can see that longing on his face he is feeling, too.

Barty snaps his fingers in front of Regulus.

"Regulus, come on, the train's ready to board. I want an empty compartment."

Regulus nods and looks away from James to board the train.

He sits in the compartment with Barty and Evan alone for a while. After about an hour, the door is opened and Mulciber and Avery come in.

"Hello, mind if we sit with you for a bit?" Avery asks.

"Not at all," Evan says delightedly.

Regulus minds a whole lot, but he doesn't say anything.

"So, excited to go back home?"

Barty scoffs, "No."

Evan looks at him and offers a smile, "You don't have to stay with your dad all the time, you will visit me and Regulus."

"I trust I will see you at the wedding of Mr Malfoy and Miss Black, right?" Mulciber asks.

"You are invited?" Regulus asks.

"Yes, of course. You didn't come to the pub anymore after the first time, but we got to know Mr Malfoy somewhat well."

"I was busy during the weekends. Studying for the OWLs."

"Of course," Avery says, "We are only trying to start a revolution, marks are more important."

Regulus doesn't want a revolution. He wants the world as it is right now but with less of Mulciber and Avery, and more of James.

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