Little Bastards

801 19 12

Warning: There are some slurs in this.
Generally, until chapter 8 the terms "halfblood" and "mudblood" will be said frequently, mainly bc it's from Regulus' perspective and he still categorizes in these terms.
But this is the only chapter with the word "faggot" in it ... I think


No escape
I've got to get away a little faster
Run you little sastards
Run, run you little bastards
Fake friends all around
They watch while I drown
No one is there to help me
- Little Bastards by Palaye Royal

Regulus has a plan.

1. Get into contact with James Potter alone

2. Come up with an excuse so James Potter spends time with you on his own without his friend
a. Act like you need help with exams maybe?
b. OWLs are coming up – connect studying and burning down Sirius' world?
2.b.1 Efficiency. Good.

3. Seduce James Potter
a. How??? Not sure yet, drunk kissing and sober blowjobs have been effective so far

4. Wrap him around your finger until he would do absolutely anything for you

5. Take up all his time so Sirius is alone

6. Break James Potter's heart

Number six is just for flavour really.

Number one proves some difficulties already. James does absolutely everything and goes absolutely everywhere with at least one of his friends – usually Sirius – but most of the time with all of his friends.

It is infuriating.

The only exception to this should be Quidditch. Pettigrew and Lupin do not play Quidditch, and Sirius is a Beater but because of one of their pranks he is currently benched and plays only as the emergency player should their new beater fall ill. While the Gryffindors have practice, Sirius has detention.

This means James is without the three of them for about 90 minutes each week.

The Problem with this: He is in the air for the overwhelming majority of this time and other houses are not permitted to watch Quidditch practice.

The second problem is a bigger one: James is incredibly popular. Of course, he is not alone at practice either, his friends and teammates are around him the entire time.

But if James is without Sirius and he, as Sirius' little brother, comes up to him and asks him to speak alone with him it would not seem all too suspicious to his friends, would it?

It is certainly a better option than trying to catch him in the boys' bathroom.

Regulus is sitting under a tree near the quidditch pitch with a book. James and his friends come out of the changing rooms a little bit late. Regulus closes his book and walks up to them.

He is holding the book in front of his chest so everyone can see he has been out here studying, not waiting.

James notices his approach first. He looks curiously at him.

"Look at that, little Baby Black," Marlene McKinnon says when she notices him, too.
Regulus ignores her, "Potter, can I talk to you?"

James looks at him surprised and then shrugs, "Sure. Guys, you go ahead, I'll meet you at supper."
The group, albeit some of them reluctantly, leaves them.

"Sirius has told me about your last fight," James informs him.
"I wouldn't call it a fight," Regulus says, "I simply asked a question and he – as always – made a big thing out of nothing and accused me of things."

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