Damn.. Choke me plea-

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Ukraine: Hey Philippines.

Philippines: Yes?

Ukraine: You know.. You are such a bottom material... *smirks*

Philippines: *chuckles* Well sorry Ukraine. I'm more of a top~

Ukraine:.... *imagines an inappropriate image*

Philippines: *looks at Spain with a smirk*

Spain: *heard their convo earlier and sees Philip looking at him* *looks away* 💭Puta Mi Amor..💭

Ukraine: *saw Spain looking away* .... Damn that shit was lucky

America: *at the background* *mentally screaming ,wanting to be railed*


Philip: *at the living room sofa, playing with his phone*

Malaysia & Indonesia' *secretly peeks Philip*

Malaysia: Are you really sure that Phil knows how to flirt?

Indonesia: Yeah! I saw it with my two eyes that he almost kissed Myanmar!!
*mentally jealous*

Malaysia:... Fine.. I'll do it.. But give me 50 dollars if I'm right.

Indonesia: Fine.. Give me 100 dollars if I'm right!

Malaysia: f.. Fine.. 💭I'm going to win anyway💭
*goes closer to Philip*

Philippines: * still playing with his phone*

Malaysia: *snatches away Philip's phone*

Philippines: *stands up* Mal give me my phone!!

Malaysia: If you make me blush, I'll give it back!

Philippines: But I don't know how to..

Malaysia: try it Bodoh(stupid) Phil!

Philippines: fine. Don't you dare laugh, if its cheesy!

Malaysia: yea yea

Indonesia: *looking at the 2* 💭 Why did I let  Malaysia go not me? No, he might know 💭

Philippines: *goes closer to Malaysia*

Malaysia: *hiding Philippines' phone in his back pocket*

Philippines: *holds Malaysia's chin and whispers closer to Malaysia* Do you wanna sit in a wheelchair for weeks? Well.. *places his rights hand in Malaysia's Chest, moving circles*

Malaysia: *gulps*  Badump Badump

Philippines: ...I could help you with that.

Philippines: *takes his phone* Yay~ That was fun Mal~

Malaysia:.......  💭I've lost my heart and.. My 100 dollars.. 💭


Filipino Version

Spain: Aking Mahal, Kailangan mo ako!

Philippines: *chuckles* Kailangan ka ba ng buhay ko?

Spain: Hindi..

Philippines: Then, Hindi kita kailangan-

Spain: -Pero kailangan ako ng puso mo.. 😏

Philippines :. *Giggles and goes closer to Spain* *whispers* Gusto mo bang Maramdaman na naman ang pagiging bottom mo parang noon~?

Spain: *pushes Philippines away* Shh.. Mahal ko..

English Version

Spain: Mi Amor, You need me!

Philippines: *chuckles* Does my life need you?

Spain: No..

Philippines : Then, I don't need you-

Spain: -But your heart does.. 😏

Philippines:... *Giggles and goes closer to Spain* *whispers*
Do you wanna feel being a bottom again like the past~?

Spain: .... *pushes Philip away* Shh.. Mi Amor..


Vietnam: Can you stop that music for a minute???

Philippines: Can you stop being cute for a minute?

Vietnam:..... Don't test my body....

Philippines: Really? Cuz I wanna test mine..

Vietnam: .... I'm out( ////)


Norway: Doc, I keep on sneezing and itching my nose. It's really annoying!!

Doc. Scotland: Well.. That means someone's kept thinking about you.

Norway: I hope that person stops. I can't sleep at midnight cuz of this!! Who would even think on that time?? *sneezes* see?? *itchy nose* Argh!!!

While in Philippines' house

Philippines: 💭What is he doing rn? Can he come in my land again? Will he soon know? Yawa papaoberthink pa dito/ Shit I keep on over thinking 💭


Germany: Philippinen..

Philippines: Yes Ger?

Germany: Do you remember what I told you last month?

Philippines: "Do not take what is mine"

Germany: Very good but.. *pulls Philippines' collar* .. You just disobeyed it.

Philippines: What d-do you mean po? I didn't took anything.

Germany: You took one that was valuable to me Philippinen.. *grips Philip's collar*

Philippines: W-what is it?

Germany: *slightly smiles* *leans in Philip's ear*  My heart


New Zealand: I-if you kill me, you love m-me!

Philippines: *smirks* if I hurt you roughly, there will be a baby~

New Zealand: *fainted*

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