Bonus Chap

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Sniper: Sooo~ on "MY" I mean Snipe's book, many Readers have been asking what is the meaning of 3 roses. Soo Ima tell you a bit flashback

                    Le Flashback

Snipe: *texting a friend of hers*

Chatmate: *sends 3 roses*

Snipe: Uhhh why did you send roses?

Chatmate: Oh nothing~

Snipe: Dude we just met

Chatmate: That's not what it means silly~

Snipe: Uhm then what does it mean?

Chatmate: Its a secret😉

Snipe: C'mon tell mehh

Chatmate: If I tell you, you will hate me😓

Snipe: *Gets even more curious* I won't!

Chatmate: Promise?

Snipe: Yup

Chatmate: Well It means s#x

Snipe: *Immediately blocked, unfriend and deleted the chat history*
Got traumatized and she has been more protectuve on her Facebook

Sniper: So She still feels the chills when I keep reminding her THAT time😅 
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