Chapter 1 - New Game

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Race Bonus:

+50% Skill Acquisition Rate

Stat Modifiers:

HP: Stamina x 20

HP Regen: Stamina/Minute

MP: Intelligence x 20

MP Regen: Wisdom/Minute

Hmm, seems okay. The skills acquisition rate up is gonna be very useful.

[Please select a class category.]







Wait a second, class category? Not class itself?

[Once class category is selected, compatible Class will be selected on random]

Okay... That doesn't seem like the best way of choosing a class but beggars can't be choosers.

First of all, [Healer] and [Rogue] are out. I don't want to live this second life once again from the sidelines or by hiding.

[Producer] class is also out. These are usually good for secondary classes but generally have no fighting power. So what if I craft the Excalibur or the Dragon Slayer, it's no point if I can't use it.

[Ranger] is a definite no. Even in normal games I didn't like the ranged classes. It's just not for me.

So that leaves me with [Warrior] and [Mage]. Now this is a hard choice. Whether to choose the reliable Warrior class that almost never disappoints. Or the Mage class with insane spells and high flexibility and greater variety which I can use to blast enemies to bits.

Hmmm..... Okay. I've decided. I'm going to choose the [Mage] class. The temptation of using magic was too hard to beat.

[Class Category selected.]

[Selecting a random class from the Mage category....]

Please be good. Please be good. Please be good. Please don't fuck me over. Give me a good useable class. Don't give me something like Insect Mage.

[Class Selected! You have acquired the class: Battle Mage]

YESSSSSS!!!! LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO!!!! My choice wasn't wrong!!! Hell Yeah!!!!

[Character Set-up Complete.]

[Starting Reincarnation Process.]

[Good Luck and have fun.]

Just as I read that my mind went blank as if I was knocked out. Alright, let's live this life the way I want.
"D-Did I... successfully reincarnate..?" I said out loud as I woke up. Wait... Out loud?

I instantly jolted up and open my eyes and saw that I was no longer in that Abyss. "I-I can see!! I can speak!!" I shouted in pure happiness as I got up from the bed. I can touch again, feel again. I can move.

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