"Can I ?" I asked not believing my ears.

So he have a daughter. Like wow. He always liked to be a father of a girl. I can't imagine how much happy he might have been.

"Ofcourse." He said.

He was taking out his phone but a voice made him stopped.


My heart was now at peak. This is not happening. How can I face him that to alone without Hasan. I can't just face him. I know he will eat me alive. I just looked down in fear I don't even want to look at him.

"Assalam ul alaikum baba." Bhai said going near him.

"Walikum as salaam, how is Noor?" He asked. His voice was making me shiver.

After that monster and Fahad I'm scared of my father. Yes, my own father. My body started trembling in fear. Please panic attack leave me alone today please. I slowly got up not making any noise. I tip toed myself and went from there as soon as possible.

Thank Allah Bhai was blocking our view. As I was out of that waiting area, I just ran to Hasan's room. I just want him, only he can calm this panic attack. I really need him. I totally became dependent on him.

I went to his room and sat on the couch hugging my knees. My panic attack started and I just can't breath and this heart is beating crazily. I was doing the things which Hasan told me to do whenever I'm in this situation.

But it's impossible for me to calm down without him. I started taking deep breath but it wasn't helping much, I just can't take the air in my lungs. My body was trembling badly and I can feel my hands getting cold.

I feel so suffocated right now. I looked around and saw his coat. I went there with my shaky body and took his coat, inhaling his scent maybe it can calm me down a little and to my surprise it really did.

I again sat on the couch clutching his coat tightly. I was trying to be calm but I started feeling dizzy. My head started aching like hell. My vision was becoming blur, I was just holding his coat like a life line.



"Fathi, open your eyes."

"Jaan see I'm here please just open your eyes."

I can listen Hasan's panic voice but I just couldn't open my eyes. What is happening to me. I can feel him shaking me. After about 2 minutes I finally opened my eyes and started blinking two three times until my vision was clear.

"Jaan." Hasan said and hugged me tightly. I just clutched his dress tightly. I don't want him to go anywhere. I just want him to stay by my side.

He broke the hug and cupped my face, checking if I'm hurt somewhere.

"Fathi, are you hurt somewhere? How are you feeling? Does something bothering you? Do you need something.." he was saying further but I stopped him.

"I'm fine." I said in a low voice while drowing in his eyes.

"You are not fine. See how pale you are looking, what happened to you? Why did you faint? Did someone told you something..." he was again stopped by me but not by words but my kiss.

Yes I kissed him again. I just closed my eyes feeling his lips on mine. I don't know how I'm getting this courage but I'm feeling calm and relaxed. His one hand was on the back of my neck and one was caressing me gently.

After a minute we parted but he attached our foreheads. Our breathing was heavily and I can feel his every breath. I just hugged him and he was just drawing circles on my back which really made me calm and comfort.

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