Mo Linyuan replied, “Okay, you guys can step aside. Whatever proof you have, just hand it over to Zi Xu. Furthermore, we should continue discussing the matter about how the Head of the Zhou family has been buying and selling official positions in the bureaucracy.”

With a wide grin, Mo Linyuan’s eyes honed in on one particular individual who’d returned to the camp alongside Zhou Gu.

“Your name’s Han Pin, am I right? I’ve heard that you purchased your official position from the Zhou family. After that, you’ve held onto this position ever since. Is this true?”

Han Pin flinched in fear. He rapidly rushed up behind Zhou Gu and shouted, “There was no such thing! This official had slowly climbed up through promotions, only through passing the imperial exam and political achievements! Chief Zhou was gracious enough to select this official. Apart from that, there are no other relationships between us.”

Han Pin’s words caused Zhou Gu’s expression to become stiff as a corpse. Even now, he had yet to recover from the realization that the emperor wanted his head.

His questionable defense had collapsed under the attacks of everyone around him. After the confessions from Mu Guangcai and Han Pin, those who were against the emperor before, were now betraying and selling Zhou Gu’s past affairs one after another.

Seeing how now was the best opportunity to do so, everyone was taking advantage of the chance to confess to their own crimes. Under the supposed name of “lawful responsibility”, they revealed the truth. It was not only to get out of the danger from hiding the truth, but also to indirectly assist the emperor. Having helped him, the sovereign will definitely be more lenient in their punishments.

With these thoughts in mind, they each spoke a line, which eventually revealed everything there was about Zhou Gu.

It was the first time in Zhou Gu’s whole life that he had been exposed to have committed so many malicious deeds! Now, he could no longer bend over or kneel for mercy.

Tonight, he had already annihilated the Zhong family. He didn’t think that he would quickly follow in the other’s footsteps, and be eliminated as well. Was all that he’d worked for been in vain?

At last, when everyone had said their part, Wen Ze no longer had the heart to close his eyes. As Mo Linyuan regarded everyone who knelt down below, he finally let out a long sigh.

“All your statements have truly opened my eyes to the truth!” Mo Linyuan wore a half-hearted smile as he said, “I would have never thought this could happen under my rule. Yet, you’ve all already committed all these crimes… Cunning.. Clearly you all are very cunning individuals.”

After hearing this, they all bowed their heads in guilt. Even the ministers sitting on either side were uncomfortable. Having governed for many years, those who genuinely governed with a clear conscience were few and far between. And they normally only worked on the easier state of affairs. It was only by allying with the emperor that they were able to escape danger.

Mo Linyuan rubbed the space between his eyebrows for a while before exclaiming, “Zhou Gu, you have violated Article 31 of the law! 27 of which are unforgivable crimes that are punishable by death. I sentence all the men in the Zhou family to be decapitated! See how your wives are innocent, the women in the Zhou family will become members of the Buddhist temples to atone for the Zhou family’s evil deeds there!”

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