Mo Linyuan had full control by using the fireworks as night signals, which alerted the soldiers to manipulate who came back first and who would arrive later.

After all, if the family members came back first, these terrified followers would have someone to depend on and wouldn’t surrender as easily. However, since the family members arrived later, these horrified officials would assume that the family members had already died. Naturally, they would be more willing to pledge allegiance and wouldn’t dare make another attempt at betrayal. But, how could it be this simple?

Mo Linyuan also hoped that he could destroy the three families in one move. However, it was near impossible. Therefore, he decided to cooperate with the Wen family. By doing so, he could use a diversion tactic and seize the early opportunity to subdue the supporters in the first group.

Mo Linyuan waved his hand and soon after, a man was shoved forward. Everyone was astonished to discover that the man was Zhou Yong! The son who was supposedly missing for many days and declared to have been murdered.

Currently, he was tied down and pushed onto his knees facing the bonfire. He started to panic when he saw the people surrounding him, especially when he noticed the 40 people that were kneeling behind him.

Mo Linyuan happily exclaimed, “Now, would you look at that? Everyone, this is your opportunity to demonstrate your devotion!”

Mo Linyuan then gestured for someone to bring in many different forms and variations of wines that had been poisoned.

“I’ve heard, when Zhou Yong “was alive” he loved to drink wine. If he didn’t have access to good wine, he would throw a tantrum and cause the people around him to suffer. That’s why I specifically prepared numerous fine wines here tonight. Now, why don’t all of you here, who are his friends, step forward and offer him a drink.* That way, he can happily go on his journey to the afterlife in hell and beyond, and he wouldn’t be so lonely.”

(*T/N: In Chinese culture, when someone dies, they would offer the deceased things like paper money, fruits, tea, and wine. So this is an ironic use of “offering wine to the dead” as well as “offering wine” to the guy who’s still alive to kill him.)

The nuance in his words were clear: these were all poisonous wines. If Zhou Yong drank them, he would definitely be well on his way to the afterlife in hell. His words stunned the bystanders who were loyal followers of the emperor. Zhou Yong was usually someone arrogant, and they’ve all been mistreated by him before. However, if the Head of the Zhou Family was already dead, that would mean Zhou Yong is the first in line to become the heir! If they killed Zhou Yong, that would mean the feud with the aristocratic family would be completely won by the emperor!

“What’s wrong? Are you all reluctant to send him off? Some of you must’ve had a good relationship with Zhou Yong. Even at this time, you are still unwilling to go against him?

When Zhou Yong heard this, his face became ashen. His hands were tied behind his back, with cloth stuffed in his mouth. He made sure to viciously glare at these people! If they dared to kill him, they also will not have a good ending.

Understanding Zhou Yong’s warning in his eyes, the 40 people remained hesitant for a while. Zhou Yong’s past violent nature was so impressionable that they were still scared of him even though he was currently restrained.

Ye Mu, who was seated next to Mo Linyuan, calmly watched the scene. She wanted to know what these people would choose to do: would they kill Zhou Yong to show loyalty? Or would they choose not to do anything?

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