Seth Learns How to Chill Out PT 2

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Seth/Gender-Neutral! Reader

 "You promised me a year! That was our deal!" You yelled, your raise ringing out through the room

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"You promised me a year! That was our deal!" You yelled, your raise ringing out through the room. "Of course, but seeing your lack of improvement I figured a time crunch would inspire some," Their voice was steady, if not, then with a slight annoyance on their tongue.

Against your judgment, Seth listened.

They knew your origination wouldn't keep true to their word, you were just ludicrous enough to catch on to that yet. Seth was a war criminal even before their corruption, it was a miracle you or anyone else didn't immediately kill them on the spot. Not that anyone else could, not everyday someone could bring Seth down to their knees. Yet here you are, choosing mercy over them.

Damn fool, should've killed me when you had the chance.

Even now, with their combat files behind a firewall, they could still take on most of your organization's best assassins.

Then why stay?

Why I could leave, I would prefer my files back.

But that's not it either.

Seth ignored the previous thought, blaming it on their corruption and shifting focus back on you.

"Well, you can either take the time given or bring it in and prove to me that it's stable." A deafening pause from you, one that Seth expected to happen yet it still stung all the game. You stuttered the next few words out, "I can't,".

"Very well then, six weeks it is."


"What is it for?" Seth asked, still playing with the device in his hands. It was nothing special, a square-shaped item, with buttons that make clicking songs and spurs that spun. "It's called a stim toy," Your voice was quiet, most likely thinking about the conversion from earlier still.

"People use them to help with focus." Seth felt ... conflicted with the tone of your voice.

The defeat in tone rang heavily yet nicely in their ears. However, the feeling whiplashes them fast, and shame tightens in their chest. They are unaware of this feeling, but it is quite unpleasant.

You're feeling guilty, dumbfuck.

Ignoring the thought, they spoke.

"You're at your wick's end," Seth placed the 'toy' down, making eye contact towards you. "Thinking I'll enjoy playing with these ... play things."

You frown at this statement, more out of disappointment than actual sadness.

"Do you even want to live?" You asked, Seth stared at you, a bit surprised at your question.

Well, that was new.

You took his silence as stalling. "Obviously, you don't care about improving, despite the progress you're making." Seth couldn't help but laugh at that statement.

"Progress?" His tone was already intense, "What's the matter of it? Even if I do return to a stable state, which I assure you I won't - I won't ever return to my original strength, my status, when-"

"When you were a war criminal." You interrupted, a huff escaping out of you shortly after.

The more disappointed they sound the more guilt that plagues the robot.

Oh shut up.

With a hefty sigh, you got up.

"We're done for the day,"


Six weeks have too quickly turned into one. Seth watched as you tried everything in the book.

Meditation walks - hell, they even tried yoga.

Still, they had their random bits of outbursts, Seth's mind being far too gone to remember anything outside of him. Seth knew of their fate, even if they were stable, they'll be shot dead thanks to their involvement with SIN.

At least you tried.

Seth grumbled, cleaning up the small room you two shared.

It was the least they could do.

A low hum is what broke them from their thoughts. Seth turned, ready to attack the intruder - but instead was faced with you. You were horribly quiet, an ominous sight as you were seemingly naturally loud and cheerful.

They forget you're an assassin for a reason.

You placed a disc down on a nearby table. Seth stared at it, confusion on their face. "It should make the firewall go away," You explained "I'm quitting this life,"

Seth didn't hesitate to place it in their core, feeling whole again. Well, almost whole at least.

"If you want to keep yours, I advise you to do the same." For some reason, your statement made them worry, not that they'll admit it out loud of course. But still, they felt the need to ask.

"Will you be fine?" You laughed at their question. "Oh does the mighty Seth worry for me?" There it is, your dumb mockery he grew familiar with.

You enjoy it, you fat liar.

"I fought you and won didn't I?" Seth internally groans at the memory, still embarrassed to let a puny human overtake them.

Then out of nowhere.

"Will we see each other again?" The words escaped their mouth before they could even process them.

"Hey it's a bit hard to miss a giant robot with floating hair," You joked, a soft smile on your face.

"Will we see each other again,"


You walked around the market, looking at the various fruits they had.

It's been two months since you last saw your friend.

Or had a good bed to sleep in really.

You have no idea where they could be if they were even alive. You tried not to think of the possibility. While yes, they were harsh at times, their good moments really shined through.

Someone came up next to you, and you paid them no mind, believing them to be a fellow customer. Then they placed their hand on your lower back, making you tense. However when they said your name, their voice sounded familiar.

You turned to be faced with a tall being, concealed with a brown hood. It looked like an average human, with tan skin and long black hair, but at a closer look, you noticed their familiar yellow eyes you have grown to miss.


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