With this parting sentence, he waved his hand and summoned his shadow guards to escort Ye Mu. He did not bid farewell to his mother again, and instead, went straight to the battlefield.

Ye Mu watched Yan Xu’s disappearing back, her gaze becoming more profound by the minute.

Then, everything is unstoppable?

Is it truly destiny for Ye Li to be stubborn on retreating? That he would only advance despite the odds, and only after exhausting all his manpower would he then kill himself in front of a mountain of corpses?

Are these truly unchangeable things? He clearly wasn’t a person with a clean heart, yet why did he show her a shred of kindness she’d never seen in him before? And now…she had to calmly watch him die?

Ye Mu took a deep breath to steady herself, and when she opened her eyes again, she was filled with an unyielding determination.

No matter what happens, she wants to work hard one last time!

Thus, when the shadow guards weren’t paying attention, she stealthily escaped from their sight and headed towards the battlefield a second time.

In the current state of affairs, it seems that taking over the Imperial Palace is the key that would determine victory or defeat. This time, the Second Prince had command over the Imperial Army in the battle with Ye Li.

Over two hundred years ago, the founding emperor of the Yue country had expended all of his country’s resources to construct the most magnificent palace in the world. Now, at the face of a brutish war, it had been completely destroyed, all former beauty and splendor gone. One could even hear the faint weeping of the palace eunuchs as they ran away from the battle.

Ye Mu dodged incoming attacks while hastily advancing with all her might. Whenever someone would see her, no matter which side they were on, they would subconsciously brandish their swords at her without a care in the world that she was only a child.

But Ye Mu knew, in war, this was a conditional reaction. In the frenzied battle to death, no one would care whether the other person on the tip of their blade was the old, weak, a babe or an innocent.

Ye Mu dodged all the way without hurting anyone. As she progressed further, her movements became faster, and her originally small amount of inner Qi was continuously stimulated, as if tiring herself is not an option at this point.

As for Ye Li… where is he?

Dressed in red, she stood on the bloody stone steps, looking around the vicinity and at everyone fighting. Yet, not a single soul was Ye Li…

But then, a tall figure suddenly appeared amidst the chaos.

Ye Mu’s eyes lit up as she forced her petite body to penetrate through the countless masses to run towards his side!


At this moment, Ye Li no longer rode a horse, and his armor was broken in many places—gone was his former magnificent glory before the battle. Nevertheless, he alone was actually able to resist more than twenty inner force experts crowding him.

From this alone, it could already be seen how tremendously powerful his martial arts is!

Ye Li thought he was imagining things when he heard Ye Mu’s voice. But upon seeing her in the flesh, he subconsciously used all his strength to separate from his enemies and fetch Ye Mu, grabbing her back from the heat of the battle.

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