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.·:*¨༺ NEXT WEEK ༻¨*:·.

"Everything is going to be fine love" She slowly turns to meet Charles's eyes, it was Wednesday, the day of her meeting. Charles offered to take her there and now there were they, bite sitting in his rented car in the private parking lot, where she is thinking about millions of this she shouldn't. Since the Monaco Grand Prix, she decided to let the past where it is, trying to move on, but it hasn't been as easy as she expected it to be, sometimes she finds herself blaming her for everything that happened with her dad.

Maybe if she was better, he could love her. Perhaps she is the mistake?

"Would you promise me that?" She whispers as he takes her hands she didn't realize she was playing with.

"I promise," He says with an insurance smile, showing up his dimples. Alice slowly Jody's before leading forwards and pressing her lips into his, oh how she loves that guy.

"Charles, sometimes words fail me when it comes to expressing how deeply I love you. But know that my actions will always speak louder than any words ever could." She whispers, her hand on his cheek, gently rubbing it with her thumb.

Charles looks into her eyes, with a soft smile on his face and takes her hand in his. "Alice, you don't have to try to prove your love to me. I feel it every day, in the way you look at me, in the way you hold my hand, in the way you care for me. I love you more than words could ever express, and I know that you love me just as much. We don't need grand gestures or speeches to show it. Our love is felt in the little moments, in the way we support each other, in the way we make each other laugh, and in the way we hold each other close." He pauses for a moment, then continues, "I am grateful for every day I get to spend with you, and I promise to always cherish and love you with all my heart."

Charles looked deep into Alice's eyes and felt his heart swell with love. Without another word, he leaned in and gently pressed his lips to hers. Their kiss was slow and sweet, filled with tenderness and passion.

As they kissed, Charles wrapped his arms around Alice, pulling her close to him. He felt her arms snake around his neck, and he deepened the kiss, savoring the taste of her lips. For a moment, they forgot everything else around them, lost in their own world of love and desire.

When they finally pulled away, Charles rested his forehead against Alice's, still holding her close. "I don't need words to show you how much I love you, Alice," he whispered. "It's in the way I look at you, in the way I hold you, and in every kiss we share."

Alice smiled, feeling her heart fill with warmth and love. She leaned in and kissed him again, reveling in the feeling of being in his arms.

As they pulled away from each other, Alice felt her heart full and light. She smiled at Charles and said, "Thank you for always knowing how to make me feel better."

Charles brushed a strand of hair away from Alice's face and replied, "I will always be here for you, no matter what."

Alice's smile faltered slightly, and Charles noticed the worry in her eyes. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Just overthinking as always," she explained, smiling even when it didn't reach her eyes. "Perhaps, I will not make it, and... I'll just go back to zero. I can't keep coming to every race now that I don't have a job and my time at Red Bull is finished. I..."

Charles took Alice's hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze, making her stop talking. "You are going to make it, love. You are amazing at everything you do. They should only look at your time working at Red Bull to see that you are the best option they have, and if you don't get it, then they are a bunch of idiots for letting you go. We will keep looking for your place, somewhere where you feel free and happy apart from Red Bull, where you can still come with me to every race because I need you. I need you by my side to make me feel better when things aren't working as planned. I need you by my side with your beautiful smile that brightens up your eyes. I need you with me, Alice, and I know how important this sport is to you, so I will do whatever I can to make you happy, I promise. Now stop overthinking and just go and show them the amazing person you are."

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