Bronya - End of the line PT 2

Start from the beginning

"Who are-"

"Quiet. Not yet. Lieutenant-" The mysterious man voiced; his low voice hushed to no more than a whisper inside the echoing vent. 

"I'm an ensign-"

"Shh-" He snapped, checking the coast before dropping down into a turning blade. It looked to be a giant fan, and that confused you as its spinning motion made you slightly dizzy. Though, there was a feeling that you knew instinctively should have been there, and yet you could not find it. Quickly following the man down the chute and past the giant fan. 

As you hit the bottom the man took a taser and electrocuted you, knocking you out cold. 

"Good morning, Lieutenant." The same man welcomed. He sat beside a single carry-on lamp in a dark concrete cell. The walls were worn and filled with rust and mold, but it seemed lived in. 

"Someone has to explain to me what is going on?" You sigh. 

"Of course, they took your memories, those bastards." He growls under his breath, "Look, it's not easy to explain, but you're not an ensign for the Dyus-Prime." 

"And you know who I am?" You asked, not sure whether to trust this man even slightly. Compared to the other android, his parts were scavenged, an amalgamation of different body-types, skin plates and measurements. 

"I knew you." He explains, ushering another person into the light. You carefully analyze the strange looks on their faces, it was an emotion, one that you could understand but couldn't connect with. 

"It really is the same model, isn't it? I bet it was a tactic for emotional manipulation the Admiral was planning." The other man states, he unlike the other was a single unit, only with no discernable skin color, it was just gray with an orange wig slapped on top. 

"It would definitely fit them. The only question is whether or not they used the same memory card." Your captor laughed, you identified a remorse in their eyes, something not privy to most androids in the newer generation. 

"They wouldn't be that stupid- would they?" The other one grinned. That's when you knew, that these people were most likely part of the Heimdall resistance. 

"Hah! They're running low on supplies, without someone to engineer the memory cards they're getting desperate." He mentions. You wonder how the Dyus-Prime could ever manage to take down worlds if they couldn't properly figure out how to manufacture memory cards. 

"Then let's find out-" The man turns back to you, his bright orange hair sweeping down in front of your face and placing a crudely designed data transfer back into your neck, though he was gentler, as if he could understand the effect of pain. 

The man paused just before he could turn on any of your empathy modules. "That's strange- they don't have any?" Your captor jumps from his seat, "that's not possible Grey try again!" 

"I am! It's just showing up empty- Crap, this could all be a trick, they made Y/N into a tracker. Tyson, we gotta leave." Grey worries, backing up with an evidentiary fear in his eyes. 

There was nothing said, as the man hangs his head, "There is one last thing we can try. It worked every other time, maybe it still will." Tyson urges, untying you and bringing you into a long-rusted corridor. Pipes with large amounts of burning steam press from every side of the wall. Along the floor a path littered in android remains, leading to a single door, with no light. 

Without a word he faces a locked room, there was an ominous air surrounding it. He unlocks the door, as it creaks open you find yourself scared. It was a developing emotion that stemmed from a corner in your mind that had been previously locked away. 

Tyson closes the door behind you as a single string of lights turns on. There is a single name, smeared in oil, and crudely drawn, "Bronya". A resounding wave turns over you, it wasn't just one, but a plethora of different emotions, of fear, of joy, and regret. 

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