Chapter 12 - Horikita

Start from the beginning

Hirata: "Is that so? Can I accompany you, Ayanokouji-kun? I am worried about Horikita-san's health."

Kushida: "Can I also join you, Ayanokouji-kun? Her state bothered me all the time. I feel sorry for her. She didn't talk with anyone yesterday and now this happened to her."

I must say that I didn't expect such a turn of situation. Horikita was more popular that I thought.

The situation became problematic. I hoped to see Horikita alone, so we could talk it through.

Hirata and Kushida seemed like good people, but talking openly with Horikita would be impossible with them.

Before i thought about some kind of excuse to get rid of them, the door opened with big noise.

To the classroom came the black haired girl.

Although her face looked indifferent, the ice cold aura she emitted suggested that her state was not calm at all.

She scanned the classroom for a moment, then her eyes met mine and her face morphed into that of demon for a second.

Horikita made her way up to me.

Despite knowing of how much trouble I was in, I couldn't bear, but once again inspect her features, especially since she went close to me. I remembered the soft feeling I felt while carrying this girl to the infirmary.

I met her icy look with teasing smile.

So, how are you gonna play this game, my little scaredy cat?

Hirata: "Horikita-san! We were about to visit you in the infirmary. I heard you fainted because of anemia. I am so glad that you look fine."

Seriously, read the room, Hirata.

We were about to start a showdown, yet Hirata sneak attacked Horikita with kindness.

But Horikita looked like she didn't hear a thing.

I decided to speak as well.

Kiyotaka: "Yes, I am glad too, Horikita. You scared me, when you suddenly fainted on your seat. Fortunately, there was no damage, when you crashed with the floor. Chabashira-sensei and the nurse told us that it was probably anemia. You should look after yourself more, Horikita. It's just a second day of the school."

Horikita was still looking at me with huge glare. She probably was digesting the information she got from me.

Kiyotaka: "By the way, I am Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Your seatmate. I was absent yesterday, so the class started to call me the ghost of the class. Nice to meet you."

I said with the smile, while trying to indirectly explain myself to her.

Horikita: "I see. A ghost, huh?"

She said with emotionless voice. She probably understood the reasoning of scaring her.

She went to her seat and started to look for something in her bag.

Kushida: "Horikita-san, are you okay? You look quite tired. Please don't overwork yourself. Everyone was worried about you. Maybe you should rest more?"

Horikita took something from her bag and put it in her pocket.

Then suddenly her other hand grabbed my tie and pulled me towards the exit.

Horikita: "I'm fine. I'm gonna borrow Ayanokouji-kun for a while."

Kushida: "Huh?"

Looks like Horikita was trying to speak with me privately.

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