The memory of Sabrina crying from loneliness is still vivid in Jace's mind, and that's the main reason for his clinginess and excessive protectiveness. He doesn't want his Angel to suffer like Sabrina, which is why he tries to be with her at all times. He doesn't want her to feel abandoned after he arbitrarily brought her all the way here.

"Jace, your mom told me something funny," Jamie says after a while, still snuggling into Jace's side and playing with his rings absentmindedly.

"Of course she did," Jace scoffs quietly. "What did she say?"

"She said your birthday was last week," the woman lifts her head to give Jace a glare. "And you didn't tell me."

"I haven't celebrated that day for years, it's not that important."

"It is to me. I wanted to celebrate it with you. I wanted to give you a present, bake you a cake, watch you blow out the candles and make a wish, and then fulfill that wish if it was possible. But you didn't tell me so I couldn't do that."

"I'm sorry. It never crossed my mind to share something so insignificant," Jace apologizes sincerely, kissing the top of Jamie's head tenderly.

"Well, it's not insignificant to me," Jamie argues. "So I want to give you a present."

"And what is that?"

"You'll see if you follow me to the bedroom," Jamie smiles sweetly. She has no idea that her casual statement sends Jace straight into the gutter. He doesn't know what his Angel is planning, but his mind conjures the dirtiest images possible.

Only to be let down when what he imagined doesn't happen.

When the couple enters the bedroom, Jamie tells Jace to take his shirt off and lie face down on the bed, saying she's going to give him a nice relaxing massage.

During her stay in Walford, Jamie got into watching relaxing videos to fill the silence whenever she was left home alone. A lot of those videos included soft massages that she now wants to give Jace.

"Oh Jesus Christ," Jace groans at the feeling of Jamie's fingertips softly tracing his spine, her touch so light it gives him shivers. When he heard the word 'massage' he expected something completely different, but this is even better.

"Do you like it?" Jamie asks knowingly, gently scratching Jace's back with her nails, making him shudder in pure bliss.

"Of course I do. My god, Angel, where did you learn that?"

"Internet," the girl shrugs. "From what I learned, gentle touch can be more relaxing than harsh kneading, and it can soothe the nerves and bring the heart rate down. I know how much you work, so I wanted to help you unwind and feel better," she whispers, drawing abstract patterns all over Jace's back.

"It's working, my love. It's working really well."

"I'm glad."

Jamie, feeling empowered by the fact that she's doing a good job, gets a little bolder in her moves and touches places she wouldn't dare touch before. She even moves to kneel right above Jace's lower body to reach all the sensitive spots she wants, then decides to use not only her hands but also her lips.

Knowing how delicate the nape of the neck is, Jamie leans down to press a feathery kiss to it. She almost laughs when Jace shivers at the sensation then follows the path down his spine, enjoying his reaction at every little kiss she gives him. She didn't expect him to be so sensitive, but it brings her immense satisfaction to know that she's the one causing such reaction.

Having Jamie's fingertips all over his back turns Jace on more than he anticipated and it's not long before he's on the verge of groaning in pain instead of pleasure, as his dick presses painfully against the bed. If he wasn't lying face down, he'd definitely end up poking Jamie with it and possibly scare her, so he tries his hardest to get his dick to calm down. His effort proves to be fruitless when his Angel suddenly gets on top of him and kisses the back of his neck.

It takes all his willpower to stay still and let her do what she wants.

He knows he'll be a goner if this continues. Since Jamie is only hovering over him, he has enough room to turn over. His sudden move shocks Jamie, and had it not been for Jace's quick reflexes, she would've fallen off the bed. However, having Jace lying on his back makes the girl painfully aware of the effect she has on him. She can't even try to ignore the hard bulge that is now right between her legs, pressing against her most intimate place.

"My god, you're the greatest temptation there is," Jace mutters as he sits up to face his Angel properly; one of his arms still wrapped around her while the other gently caresses her thigh under her dress. "Angel, tell me to stop if you don't want this," he tells her hoarsely, barely holding onto his sanity when he feels the warmth of Jamie's cunt right against his dick. If she doesn't stop him now, he might do something he will regret. And he has no intention of hurting his sweet Angel.

"I'm not going to stop you," Jamie whispers with a smile, gently running her fingers through Jace's short hair before leaning in for a kiss.

She wants to bury her past and start a new life, and in order to do that, she needs to overcome her fear of intimacy.

And she trusts that Jace will help her with that.

"I love you, Jace. I want to become one with you."

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