Chapter 18 - Nerves

Start from the beginning

I had looked forward to the Hogsmead trip, and with James as a date I was eccentric.


"You've got a date?", Christina asked as we walked into the common room, a bit too loudly if you asked me. A few people actually turned their heads to see who had a date.

"Yeah, James asked me", I told her quickly while hoping for a mild reaction. Christina stopped in her tracks and turned to me with an open mouth.

"James? James Potter?", she asked slowly before swallowing hard. I bit my lip and sighed. I was preparing myself for the rage of Christina.

"Yes, that is the James that I'm going on a date with", I mumbled before hurring across the room towards the staircase that led towards the girl's dorms.

Allison wasn't with us. She was going to "study" with some boy from Ravenclaw. She had tried to convince both Christina and me that it was just studying, nothing else. I just thought that she was acting cute.

"Amanda Fraser!", Christina yelled from behind me. The disbelief in her voice was at least better than the anger I had expected, but I still ran to the dorms. I did not want to have that conversation infront of my whole house.

As soon as I came into the dorms I sighed in relief that there was no one else in there. Christina stormed through the door just seconds after me.

"You're going on a date with James Potter! Oh my God! The Gryffindor, son of the chosen one James Potter are going on a date with my friend who's a Slytherin. This is crazy", Christina rambled while pacing through the room.

"Exactly!", I told her over enthusiastically. She turned towards me and at first she looked kind of disoriented but then a grin spread across her face.

"Finally! That boy pestered me about you during many divination classes, I mean damn it. I'm so excited for you", Christina said and jumped onto my bed next to me. I could only stare at her in awe. She wasn't mad at all, she was excited for me. It made me grin back at her.

"I can't wait until saturday", I told Christina who then quickly got up and opened my trunk.

"We have to find the cutest outfit. James is going to freak", Christina told me and picked up one of my bras while winking at me. I couldn't help but laugh and hide my face in my hands. Then I felt something being thrown at me. As I glanced to see what had been thrown at me. When I saw the black lace bra I only gave Christina a stare. She was smirking at me with raised eyebrows.

"No, Christina. I'm going to wear jeans and a shirt, like a normal person", I told Christina sternly. She rolled her eyes and kept digging in my trunk.

"Just in case! I mean, wearing nice undergarment won't hurt anyone", she told me and pulled up a pair of heels that I had in the trunk. She threw the heels to me and I caught them before they hit my face. I actually loved the heels. They were a bright pink wedge heels that weren't too high. They were also very comfortable to walk in.

"You are going to wear those, no arguing", she decided while pointing a finger at me. I didn't argue, both because I wanted to wear the shoes and because I knew I wouldn't be able to win.

"These work perfectly with my black jeans and that white blouse", I told Christina and she agreed immediately after she had seen them. Hopefully it wouldn't be raining that weekend, because I did not want to destroy my shoes.


The next morning I woke up to thunder and lightning. It was thursday and only two days until my date. I could see the rain hitting the window from my bed. Christina, Allison and Madison, the fourth girl in our dorm. She wasn't that close with us. There were a few other girls that she was close friends with.

"Do you think that we'll be able to skip care of magical creatures today?", Allison wondered from her own bed. I hoped that we would, I did not want to have a lesson in the rain.

Suddenly a loud knock sounded from our door. All four of us turned our attention to the girl coming inside. She was friends with Maddison, and also a perfect.

"Everyone is supposed to gather in the Great Hall. Now!", she told us and I could hear in her voice that she was worried. She then left and we got up from our beds. We didn't care about our looks, we only threw on our robes and then ran out. There wasn't anyone in the common room but when we got out we saw people hurring upstairs.

As we later on entered the Great Hall I noticed how everyone was quite. A few people over at the Hufflepuff table were crying. I saw Roxanne with a haunted look in her eyes and Louis who sat beside her held an arm around her.

When everyone had sat down and complete silence was cast over the hall McGonagall stepped forward.

"Something terrible happened this night. Even though a few teachers believe that we should be quite about this I believe that the not knowing is more dangerous than the knowing. Last night Helena Lorry was found, dead. Because of this event no one is allowed to leave their respective houses today. If any student is seen wandering the corridors there will be serious consequences. Now everyone needs to head back!", McGonagall said before going back to the teachers. Students around me got up from their seats and I heard panicked whispers all around me. I was unable to move. Someone was dead. Someone had been killed. I was terrified.

"Come on", a voice whispered in my ear and I got pulled up from my seat. I turned around and saw James standing there with a grim face. Before I could say anything he was pulling me out of the Great Hall and towards the stairs. I knew exactly where we were heading after we had passed the first flight of stairs. I only hoped that no one would see us, and that the killer was long gone. I couldn't help but believe that the messenger had something to do with the dead girl. At the same time I prayed that I was wrong.

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