They get a couple of glances from time to time, usually it's from the boys. Nora even pointed out the blue boy that was with Team RWBY kept looking at them as well. As they continue walking, she came across someone she didn't want to see right now. Pyrrha Nikos.

Pyrrha: Nora?

Nora: Pyrrha, what brings you here? Is your partner Alistair around?

Pyrrha: No, he told me he is hanging out with his friends. They're Students from Haven and we're his friends before he was transferred to our Team.

Nora: I see.

Nora made a small glance to her teammate, who is Nora's second in command of the Squad, Brunhilde. She nods and began to take note of this information.

 She nods and began to take note of this information

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Nora: And did he specify what he was doing?

Pyrrha: Why are you asking about this?

Nora: Just for security, can't have any of the Students mess around these parts. After what happened in the city, we need to take extreme caution.

Pyrrha: I see....

Nora: Why are you here, Pyrrha? You know that bond we used to have is gone, right? It went away the minute you replaced Jaune with Alistair.

Pyrrha: But at the time we all knew him as weak, if he told me this whole secret than none of this wouldn't happened.

Nora: 'I can't tell you the truth. You wouldn't believe me because of all the secrets and lies we have been telling you'

Nora just cringed, she can't reveal anything about the truth just yet. Even if Alistair is not here, his mind control powers can be used to get information out of Pyrrha and she can't risk that.

Nora: We had our reasons Pyrrha. This secret is bigger than anything the 4 Kingdoms has. If word of that spread, than Jaune would have been in big trouble. You saw what his Father has in his disposal, right? It would have been a major problem for all of us, since the Arcadian Army wasn't in Vale at the time.

Pyrrha: But we are a Team, Nora.

Nora: Correction, Pyrrha. We were a Team. You need to remember that choices and actions always have consequences. I learned that many times back home, and let me tell you, it's not always pretty.

Nora just sighs in frustration at this.

Nora: You should have stood by with Jaune the minute we decided to disagree with the transfer. It was 3 against 1, Pyrrha. We were there for you in the beginning, we acted like this to you because you threw us away for a guy you barely even know. If you stood by us, then none of this would've happened. Just please think about what you did Pyrrha and try to understand why we did what we had to do.

But before Nora could go off to her daily patrol, she placed her hand on Pyrrha's shoulder.

Nora: Oh! Word of advice, Pyrrha. Please don't do anything rash during the Dance.

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