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"I'm so sorry miss! I didn't mean to!"

"I'm so sorry please forgive me!"

She kneels and starts crying begging for forgiveness from Anastasia.

"It's fine, please get up. I don't like seeing you like this"

"B-but miss..."

"It's fine I forgive you now stand up."

The queen was shocked as well as the other noble ladies surrounding them. The queen has never seen a princess handle a
Situalike this so well, especially one at her age.

But the person who is most shocked about this incident is none other than Annalise. She is not used to seeing Anastasia act so kind and forgiving, she isn't used to seeing Anastasia act like.....her.

"Get her towels now!"

The queen ordered the maids sending them into a frenzy. They panicked and rushed into the halls, some of them even tripped.

Anastasia just stood there looking embarrassed. The other ladies looked at her with worry.

The maids finally arrived with some warm towels to heat her, Elle rushed to the garden hearing the news. She arrived a few minutes later, she helped Anastasia to her room, and gave her a warm bubble bath.

While she was helping Anastasia bathe, Anastasia suddenly spoke.

"Why do you think she did that Elle?"

"Pardon me, your highness?"

"I mean do you think she did that intentionally?"

"I'm not taking any sides but we servants take an oath to always follow our masters, we dedicate our lives to helping your Highnesses. If we don't obey our masters cuts will appear on our bodies. She did not do that on purpose, your highness, please forgive her."

"Don't worry, I did. I just have a feeling that someone ordered her to do it."

"Who would do such a thing to her Highness?!"

"Nevermind, just forget about it."

A hint of sadness filled alleys eyes. She is a bit gossipy so she's used to hearing gossip about what's going around the kingdom. A part of her is still curious, but she can not interfere with Anastasia's business so she decided to shrug it off.

Elle left Anastasia to dry up and get ready.

Anastasia picked up her towel and patted herself dry. Then she prepared herself for a nap.

Before she was about to sleep, she asked Elle to bring her some tea. Elle then went to the kitchen and prepared some tea.

She was making the tea and preparing a small snack for Anastasia when some other maids came up to her and asked her some questions about what happened at the tea party.

"Elle! What happens?"

"Did someone get hurt?"

"I heard the maid who poured the tea on Miss Anastasias getting fired"

They looked at each other and then giggled.

"Will you stop talking nonsense! This is not your business!"

"Ugh! We're just curious! Your no fun Elle"

"Just go back to dusting and mind your own business"

The girls rolled their eyes and went back to doing their jobs.

Elle wanted to tell them so badly but she knew that what was going on wasn't for her to interfere with.

She went back to Anastasias' bedroom and placed the food tray on her bedside table.

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