Chapter 290 - 290 - An Ouchi

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They had gotten everything they came for. Yue was more than satisfied with this trip. As they were walking away, a small figure dashed in front of him.

Fan cautiously pulled him back, and half hugged him.

"S-sorry... sorry..." a small cute voice whispered.

Yue glanced down. It was a child in a puffer jacket.. he was licking his lollypop, glancing up at them. "Sorry brother.. it hurts.."

"n-no... it... I doesn't hu.." Yue squatted down next to him. The kid's hood was down, exposing his face. He had a small round face with large brown eyes. His cute pink lips were stained blue by his lollypop.

He wiped his snot on his sleeve and peered at him. "sorry..."

"It's okay..." Yue could not believe what he was seeing. It was that kid. the kid he had left to die. He was right in front of him, alive and active. He gently caressed his face. "What's your name little one?"

"Zi Chen," The little boy smiled widely, exposing his two missing teeth. "Brother, candy?" he hurriedly searched through his pockets and took out two lollypops. "Here. have it, very tasty"

Yue took it from him. it was sticky. "Where are your parents' kid?" he held the kid's hand and gently wiped away the sticky residue with his sleeve. "do you know where you live?"

"mum is here... she's here...." he worriedly looked around. "mum... was here."

"Did you get lost? Do you know where you live?" Yue gently held the kid wear his hood. It was really risky for him to stay out here. this marketplace was a place to buy and sell. there was also some shady stuff going on here. Losing a kid here was the worst thing to do.

The young boy silently started to cry. "mum...."

"shh shh.. It's okay. We'll find your mum. I promise. I will find your mu okay."

The young boy nodded, licking his blue lollypop. "You don't like pops?"

"Pops?" Yue was momentarily confused.

"Pops.." the kid pointed to the lollipop in his hands.

"oh lollypop. I like them," he unwrapped the plastic and shoved it in. The sickly sweet blueberry taste filled his mouth. "It's good. so tasty,"

"I know... Mum got me. I have more, you can eat too uncle," he happily handed one to Fan Xui.

"u-uncle?..." Fan Xui frowned slightly.

Yue slapped his thighs jokingly. "Take the candy uncle. The child is waiting."

Pouting slightly Fan took it from him. "Thank you. How does your mum look like?"

"tall... she has beautiful eyes," the kid smirked, licking his lollipop.

Yue glanced back at Fan. "What do we do?" he mouthed.

"I don't know," Fan Xui mouthed back. "we can leave him at the barrack. They can find his mother,"

"But we should not. he is a kid. He will be terrified!" Yue peered up at him with a puppy dog look on his face. "We can help him," he whispered, tugging at his pants.

Fan sighed loudly. "Just once. Just this once. We are not doing anything risky like this."

"Thank you!" Yue hugged him tightly. He really wanted to save this kid. He ignored him in his last life and that ended with the kid dead. If... if he could help him out a bit, this kid could survive..

He held the kid's sticky hands. "let's go back and check out the places where you just visited,"

"yes~ we first saw the chocolate man.. he gave me candy... next we walked... and walked... mum could not walk much. She had an ouchi on her leg. We took a rest. Her ouchi was red and dripping. I wanted to help her. I came to get a band.. Something.. it's sticky and it has a lot of cool characters on it. it stops an ouchi.."

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