Chapter 284 - 284 - Family Time

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Not knowing of the upcoming storm, Yue's family was peacefully going about their day. It was afternoon and Zou Nui had a few chores to do.

First, check up on the sick kids. Next, she had to water the trees and the plants, and only after that would she start her cooking.

She walked into Yue's room, which was now Lui's recovery room, to check on her. Her temperature was normal and her heart rate was also healthy. She touched her skin to check if she had sweated.

Thankfully, she had not.

Suddenly she heard a small noise from the window.

Carefully, she walked over and moved the drapes a little.

What she saw stunned her.

Zou Nui could make out two intertwined shadows moaning loudly next door.

She immediately closed the drapes.

She knew exactly who that was. "Oh, my..." she giggled loudly. "I have to instruct others not to open the window... they are not doing a good job keeping the sound low."

Zou Nui then went to check on Juda. Her conditions were also normal. She could hear dripping sound in the bathroom. "Tian finally decided to shower,"

"I shower every day." She said from inside.

"Not every day. I've been watching you, kid. You barely shower," she tucked Juda in. "wash well or Juda will wake up to your smelly armpit."


Giggling, she walked out of the room to the garden area.

The little quails ran after her excitedly while she poured pails of water from the pond for the tree.

The willow tree happily shook as if it was refreshed. It even caressed her face with its soft leaves.

"Stop~" she giggled pushing its flirty braches away. "I heard my husband mention that you hate my son. He is such a cute fellow. Why would you hate him.. You should get to know him." he glanced up.

Blackie, the house cat who was shaped like a lynx, peered down at her and meowed.

"I know you like Yue, blackie. I'm talking to willow. She refuses to listen that my son is such a kind fellow,"

The tree's branches retreated a bit, as if it was sulking.

"See... fine. Take some time and get to know him. You'll like him,"

She sat on the ground basking in the afternoon sun rays. Previously, the ceiling above the garden area was covered by a translucent glass window, but now that willow broke it, they were left with an open roof.

There were benefits to it too.

Now she could bask in the sun for a while.

It really felt refreshing to her mind and body. a few days ago she felt her mental stability slip away again. It was due to her carelessness...

Lui and Juda, getting wounded at the same time, was also a trigger.

She sat cross-legged and let out a deep breath. The fresh air and the smell of freshly watered soil soothed her mind.

"I guess why everyone says humans are social creatures. If you don't interact with another living being we end up going crazy.. Shit I really missed the sun light."

"Chirp..' the little quail tilted its head, looking up at her.

"Ops I swore in front of you.. shh don't tell anyone. It's our secret,"

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