Chapter 284 - 284 - Family Time

Start from the beginning

"I heard it," Tian sat down next to her. her silvery slip dress rode up her things. She frustratingly pulled it down. "Geez, how does Yue even wear things like these.. They are fucking uncomfortable." She grumbled to herself.

"Shower doesn't take that long... what were you doing in there? Hmmm. Let me guess some adult stuff."

"Gave Juda a towel bath," Tian dully whispered. "She woke up last night and fell right back to sleep."

"Lui did too. I checked her wounds. It's completely gone, but even so, she is still sleeping soundly. I guess her body healed but her mind is taking a while to comprehend the changes,"

Tian gave her a weird look. "I've never experienced that..."

Zou Nui held her hand. "Trexa's powers are magical.... maybe it has something to do with that."

"Maybe..." Tian silently peered up at the sun. "It's nice here. You have chosen a good home away from the city and the crowd... in the middle of a peaceful town."

"Yue chose this place." Zou Nui picked up the quails that were jumping around her onto her lap. "When Yue first suggested the move, I was very surprised. He said that the world was going to end and we need to go to a remote place away from the city."

"And you guys moved? Just like that?"

"Yeah just like that..."

Tian smirked. "You guys must have believed him a lot to make such a huge decision,"

"I didn't believe him."

Tian glanced at her curiously. "Then why?"

"His story was absurd.... it was too unreal. But I knew... I knew something was wrong. My son was frantic. He was panicking, and he was anxious....if listening to his bizarre story calmed his mind, then I would believe him even if he said dinosaurs existed..."

Zou Nui sighed loudly. in fact, when Yue relayed the story of the apocalypse, she started having small doubts that her son might have inherited her sickness. She panicked a bit. But after calming down she thought if how to deal with it.

She wanted to help him.

When she was sick and stuck in her family home, no one was there to believe her words or give her comfort.

So in turn, she wanted to be there for Yue. She wanted to make Yue feel safe.

If moving to a small town made him safe, she would gladly do it.

If buying an enormous amount of food made him feel happy she happily would buy truck loads.

"I just want him happy.. And I'm thankful that there is nothing wrong with him..."

Tian suddenly grabbed her hand. "Like you?"

"Yes, like me... when did you know?"

Tian smiled at her. "Long back. I've seen people suffer like that. In my training camp, many children suffered like that... I'm happy you have your family with you to support you,"

Zou Nui hugged her shoulders. "yes, I'm happy that I have my family with me."

Tian wiggled slightly uncomfortable by her hug.

She let go and gently caressed her face. "I'm happy we found you at last."

"Same.." she blushingly whispered. Clearing her throat, she reached out for the quail in her lap. The bird chirped loudly and flew away.

"That's weird. They like being pet. Why are they running from you," Zou Nui tried to put the quails close to Tian but all of them ran off as if they met up with a beast?

"It happens. Animals hate me." Tian pouted, peering at Blackie. Even the cat did not like facing her way.

"Trexa likes you," Nui gently patted her back.

"Yeah, I guess I'm a rat person. She is adorable and cute.. just like Yue. Even the crafty look she has in her eyes is similar to Yue."

"I know, right. I told my husband the same thing, but he refused to believe me."

"He must have not taken a good look,"

"Trexa is just like Yue. Even her goofy actions are similar to Yue.."

"You are right..."

They both silently sat on the sandy ground.

"I miss him... do you think he had something to eat?" Tian stood up. "I'll bring them something. Maybe I can make instant ramen. Yue likes it,"

Zou Nui pulled her down. "Yue's is... well taken care of. Don't worry. And tell your dad the same. Don't let him run out and knock on their door,"

"Why not?" Tian pouted.

"Well... it's better not to disturb them now..."

"Why? Tian looked at her intensely.

"Because... they.. they are sleeping. Yes, Yue said that he worked all night. So both of them are sleeping soundly,"

"Oh, I see. But it's bad to sleep without eating." Tian stood up with determination.

Zou Nui sighed loudly. "Come here, spend some time with mum," she made her sit down and hugged her to her side. "Say, what is your favorite color?"

"Green," Tian whispered.

"Favorite animal?"

"Pig, they taste good."

Zou Nui continued asking questions and distracted her daughter somehow. Tian was surprisingly easy to fool.

Giggling slightly, Zou Nui gently kissed her cheeks. "my baby daughter is so cute..."

Blushing, she hid her face. "y-you are cute..."

"Aww, you look just like me, you're cute too..."

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