"I have no intention of starting a war before I understand the situation." Coulson replied. "Agent Weaver, you're now the highest ranking officer on The Carrier. I want you to head back there and await further instructions."

"Yes sir." The assistant said, before her screen clicked away and only Coulson could be seen.

"I don't believe that Skye would turn against us." Coulson said.

"You didn't see her fight me." May stayed back coldly.

So then it wasn't the missle that knocked her out. It was her teammate.

"Her mother had just been shot. I can believe she's confused." Coulson replied.

"No more than the rest of us." Simmons spoke. "Why invite SHIELD, only to attack?"

"I don't know. But maybe their "peace offering" over there does." Coulson said, looking behind the three women to the man sitting in the background.

The girls turned slowly, eyes falling on Skye's father. He was singing along to the song playing in the headphones on his ears.

Wanda sighed.

She didn't like the feelings that radiated off of him, and while she hadn't attempted at reading his thoughts yet, something in her intuition already told her it wouldn't be a pleasant sight.

"See you in a bit." Coulson said.

When Wanda turned her head back around, his screen was clicked off.

May sighed, wincing at a pain in her arm before looking towards the pilot of the ship.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Simmons asked.

"I said before, I have a headache. The usual." May replied, stepping past the two to get up to the piloting area.

As soon as she was out of hearing range, Wanda glanced to Simmons.

"Is she usually that cold?" She asked.

"Pretty much. She's not bad, just distant."



When the Quinjet landed, Wanda walked out with May and Simmons into the HQ, different from the ship that she'd originally been dropped at. It was where the lab was set up, as well as Coulson's office.

They walked Cal down to Coulson, who was waiting for them at the entrance of the base.

As soon as Cal was in front of Coulson, his headphones were removed.

"You wanna tell me what you're really doing here?" Coulson asked.

"Sure." Cal replied. "I'm a present. A gift horse. A peace offering from my family." He grinned and leaned closer to Coulson. "I'm also an excellent Shanghai Rummy partner."

Coulson put his headphones back on and gestured for some other agents to take him away to the cells. Wanda watched as Cal raised his eyebrows at her as he walked past, his grin dropping.

Simmons walked up to Coulson, taking Wanda's attention back to the group.

"Sir, I'm worried he's more of a Trojan horse." She said. "I believe Cal took these before he was handed over to us."

Simmons held up three nearly empty glass tubes in front of Coulson.

"I'm going to analyze them in the lab." She finished.

"Go." Coulson nodded.

Simmons gave a nod back and turned, walking away to go to the lab. Once it was just May, Wanda, and Coulson in the hall, Coulson spoke again.

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