through jagged rocks

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Never mind that now. Life has
already been lost, and I can fixate
onto you as if that will bring them
back from the dead. It won't. Now,
it's time for me to take this knowledge,
and identify the parts of me I see
in you, and start working on breaking
the cycle that connects my teaching
style to yours.

Being the same person I was before
this happened is impossible now. It's
like someone brought binoculars and
held them up to my eyes. They are
permanent now.

You ask me to follow you down the
same road, and my answer is no. If
you aren't able to respect and understand
my no, or if that's a boundary that you
don't like, it doesn't matter much to me.
I will continue to disengage and walk
away from you. I am prioritizing my health,
my mind, and I am learning what it means
to honour myself first, and everyone else
secondary to that.

I get it; you aren't going to like it. I might
have to white lie like the white tips of the
river flowing through jagged rocks. 

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