48: Destiny Fulfilled

Start from the beginning

Y/n then makes her katana disappear as she softly sighed. Wukong says, "Time for the Hero stuff." Then MK and Wukong lift the Staff out. As Wukong and Y/n quickly tosses off her spiritual hold. Wukong says, "Ugh! I can still feel her crawling under my skin." Y/n shrugs, "Eh..."

Meanwhile down in the mech, the spiritual avatars disappear.

MK hugs both Y/n and Wukong, "I'm glad you two are back." Y/n softly sigh and pats his back, "MK..." Then a tired Macaque walks over, "Uh, guys? Now that Wukong and Y/n are not under her control." MK widened his eyes as he stopped hugging, "Oh, no!"

Then Lady Bone Demon smirked, "Predictably unpredictable fools! I'm not one to rush destiny but I won't be undone by a troop of headstrong simians!" Y/n turns confused, "What? Bot MK and I aren't simian? I mean MK calls himself Monkie Kid... but I'm not.'

Lady Bone Demon then summons her powers, feeling the little girl in the process. Macaque quickly catches her and teleports away. LBD yelled, "If the Dragon Girl will not give me the Samadhi Fire willingly, than I will rip it from her!" Y/n widened her eyes, "Oh no! Mei!"

Then Y/n covered her ears as she heard Mei's screams. MK, Wukong, and Y/n are thrown off the mech. "Mei!"

Meanwhile with the other group. Red Son shouts, "Go! I'll get through her!" He looks back at Mei as he mumbles, "Somehow." Pigsy nods as he grabbed both Sandy and Tang. Then the trio join the fall with the other trio as they landed and watch her activate the Bone Mech.

She smirked, "You're right, MK. If you had never found that staff, none of this would have been possible. A delivery boy to the end." Y/n winced as she felt the same pain in her chest, '...Do I need that fourth Samadhi Ring in my chest to stop this... pain?' Y/n frowns and teared up, as she remembered that she destroyed Simba. She then grabs MK's hand as MK looked at her in confusion while she wiped her tears. Y/n then drags him with her as the two walked up to the mech.

Pigsy looked in worry, "Kid-" However Wukong stops the group.

"Now watch as I fulfill my destiny and begin this world anew! No Monkey King, no Monkie Kid! Nothing!"

Lady Bone Demon laughs, but then gasped as she sees that MK and Y/n had created the Monkey Mech with some shadow mech parts to block the fire.


Tang gasped, "MK! Y/n!" Pigsy grins, "That's my kids!" (He sees you as a daughter figure. Well it's kinda like how parents of a child would view their lover as part of the family).

"No. No! I will not be stopped by my pet and a foul, insignificant creature! You two will allow this world to continue to fester and rot, the eternal misery of countless souls because of your sentimentally for mortal pleasures?!"

Y/n couldn't say anything as she mainly focused on controlling her powers while more black cracks formed on her body. As her eyes glowed a bright purple light.

MK shouted, "You can't judge things by their worst qualities!" Tang joins in, "This world might not be perfect but it's still worth fighting for!" Pigsy pops in, "Yeah! Sometimes it's that little bit of char that makes for a more flavourful meat, even if it is a bit tangy." MO meows as Sandy nodded, "You said it, Mo. The world may be full of darkness but to let the light shine, all we need to do is stand together!"

Then the team has tapped into their powers and joins in to create a celestial mech. Y/n felt at ease, but continued to focus on controlling her powers because one slip up and she may accidentally hurt or kill herself and someone.

MK yelled, "The perfect world is what we make it. Do as long as I have my friends by my side, this world! Is! Perfect!" Lady Bone Demon could only glare.

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