Chapter 3

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Kyouka was more silent than usual.

When she came back from wherever she went to, it seriously put a dent into her mood.

Momo is very observant and caring when it comes to her friends, so when Kyouka came into class, she knew immediately something happened last night for her to be this reclusive.

She tried talking to her during lunch, only for Kyouka to sit on the school rooftop alone, when she tried asking Kyouka during class the subject would change or she would ignore it.

As the bell rang, signifying their classes are over, everyone packed their belongings and tried to leave. Only for their homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa, telling them to go back in their seats.

"Before you all leave, tomorrow will be a class field trip, we'll be returning to the USJ for more Search and Rescue exercises."

A few students were visibly worried, one in particular, voicing them.

"A-Are you sure it's safe to go back? After what happened...last time."

Nodding his head, Shota relieved his students worries by reassuring them.

"Don't worry, we've updated the security system and added emergency generators, Principal Nezu gave the green light that it is safe to return to the USJ. So get your hero suits ready, or your gym uniforms, you'll have a long day tomorrow."

After speaking Shota climbed back into his yellow sleeping bag, quickly falling asleep, dismissing his class.

"Jirou-san, if you have a moment, can you stop by my room some time soon? I wish to speak with you."

Looking back at Momo, the worry in her eyes indefinite, Kyouka half heartedly smiled.

"Sorry Yaomomo, but I....I need to help out my parents music shop. Sensei, I might be back late."

All she received was a thumbs up, she hastily made her exit, Momo visibly growing saddened by Kyouka's cold demeanor.

"You alright Momo-san?"

Shoto Todoroki, son of the pro hero Endeavor, seemed concerned for her. Looking down at her shoulder Momo gently grabbed Shoto's hand and pushed it away.

"I'm fine, if you'll excuse me, I must work on my assignments."

Leaving shortly after Shoto was ticked off Momo was still angry toward him. It was two months ago, how can she hold a grudge for that long!

"Awww, did the poor silver medal child lose again?"

Sulking even more, Shoto turned around to see Masumi and Katsuki behind him, normally he would ignore them but both were acting strange.

"And if it isn't the spoiled brat of the Yagi family, how's your brother?"

"I don't have a brother. That deadbeat is nothing but a stain on the Yagi family name."

She spoke with venom lacing her words. Shoto and Katsuki personally knew her hatred to Izuku, but over time, it turned into outright disgust when he is mentioned.

"Masumi, come on, that's going a little too far. Sure he turned out to be quirkless, whatever, what really matters is that he's gone." 'An it's all my fault.'

Turning her head to Katsuki, her eyebrows furrowed, she elbowed his side before speaking into his ear.

"I do not care if he is in another damn continent, what I want, is for his stupid and worthless existence wiped off the face of the earth!"

Stomping away, Katsuki and Shoto only shook their heads.

"It's getting worse Shoto."

Looking up at Katsuki, quickly glancing over at Shota, he spoke in a hushed manner.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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