Chapter 11: The Santiago

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Jack quickly ran through the jungle, until he came to the beach, only tripping once. And when he got back up, he let the bushes have it for making him fall.

He ran along the beach, and through the water, eager to get back to (Y/n). The idea of her being alone with Blackbeard and the zombified crew members made him feel uneasy.

Jack came to a large stone wall that had an hole in it, shaped like an arch, and through that was the rotting remains of a ship.

"The Santiago. Famously captained by Ponce de Leon." He said, turning to look behind him. "Oh, right. She's not here. Right then."


The crew carried the case of the mermaid through the thick jungle, with her still swimming around in it.

Unfortunate, one sailor tripped over a big log, causing the case to fall to the ground and shatter, freeing the mermaid.

She shivered and flipped around a bit, before something strange began to happen. Her tail began to split in two, and the scales from her body faded. The mermaid curled up in a ball as she suddenly grew human legs.

Everyone stared at her in awe, as she shivered and looked around fearfully. Seeing her discomfort, Philip removed his shirt, and (Y/n) took off her coat. They both draped the articles of clothing around her, and she gratefully accepted them.

"We must not stop." The Quartermaster reminded Blackbeard.

Blackbeard looked down at the mermaid with no emotion in his eyes. "You will walk." He told her.

Philip and (Y/n) carefully helped the girl up. She tried to take a step, but fell to the ground.

"I cannot." She mumbled.

"Walk or die." Blackbeard shrugged.

The Quartermaster pulled out his sword threateningly.

The mermaid glared at Blackbeard as Philip knelt beside her.

"Put your arms around me." He whispered.

"I do not ask for help." The mermaid snapped at him.

"But you need it."

She thought about what he had said for a moment, and slowly wrapped an arm around his shoulders as he picked her up bridal style.

"We're in a hurry, yes?" Philip reminded Blackbeard.

"Do not fall behind." He warned him.


The crew came to a stop by giant trees with huge roots poking up out of the ground. Philip carried the mermaid over to one of the roots and sat her down on it.

He then crouched down and looked up at her. "Such beauty. Surely you're one of God's own creations, and not a descendant of those dark creatures who found no refuge on the ark. Such beauty...yet deadly."

Philip stood up to leave, but the mermaid spoke. "Deadly? No."

"You attacked me." He accused.

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