Chapter 1: The Trial

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Several people gathered around a large white building, all scurrying inside as a man outside the building yelled about a pirate hanging being today.

Apparently there was to be a trial today for a man who was accused of being a pirate and everyone wanted to witness it.


The crowd sat inside the courthouse and started booing as someone dragged a man with a bag over his head into the stands.

The judge started banging his gavel and calling for order. "Now appearing before the court, the notorious and infamous pirate, pillager, and highwayman...Captain Jack Sparrow!"

The bag was removed from the man's head to reveal...Gibbs?

The crowd started booing and jeering again at Gibbs, as he tried to explain that he wasn't Jack.

"I told you, the name's Gibbs! Joshamee Gibbs!"

"Hear ye, hear ye! Presiding over these trials, all rise and attend, the Right Honorable Justice Smith!" Someone announced.

A tall man with a large white curly wig on his head entered the courtroom and sat in the highest seat as everyone stood and cheered and the rest of the officials bowed in respect.

Someone banged a gavel and called for silence. The crowd obeyed and quietly sat back down.

"Now..." the judge lowered his glasses showing his brown eyes with black makeup around them, "...what do we have here?" He asked with a smile, showing off some gold teeth.

Gibbs narrowed his eyes. "Jack?"

The man behind Gibbs whacked him in the shoulder and the crowd cheered.

"Not necessary." Jack said. "You were saying?"

"Jack Sparrow is not my name. My name is Joshamee Gibbs." Gibbs explained.

"Is that so?" Jack looked at a piece of paper. "It says Jack Sparrow here."

"I told them. I'm not Jack Sparrow, who I would be happy to identify to the court if it would help my case." Gibbs lightly threatened.

"I think that would be a port defense, unless you want to be bludgeoned again like a harp seal." Jack retorted.

The crowd cheered at that idea.

"The prisoner claims of being innocent of being Jack Sparrow. How do you find?" Jack asked the jury.

One man stood up. "No trial? But aren't we here to examine the evidence?"

"Foreman, your finding. Guilty?"

"Guilty verdict means he'll hang." The man said.

The crowd cheered at that.

The man shrugged. "Guilty?"

"That's not fair!" Gibbs exclaimed as the crowd cheered again.

"Shut it." Jack replied. "Joshamee Gibbs, the crime of which you've been found guilty of is being innocent of being Jack Sparrow." He announced.

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